Friday, 26 August 2016

PLL Season 7/08 | StoryTime

Season 7 Episode 8 Exes and OMGs


Spencer: Okay, so we know that Noel Kahn stole the Mary Drake file from Toby's AirStream.

Juliet: How's Yvonne doing?

Spencer: She's, she's okay. Toby's gonna spend some time with her. And then right after he got that file, he called Dr. Cochran.

Caleb: Sounds like Jenna and Noel are on the same path that we are.

Aria: Only they're ahead of us.

Emily: But who burned us out of the storm cellar?

Spencer: Somebody who didn't want us to know that Mary Drake had a second child.

Juliet: A.D.?

Hanna: Noel Kahn. You guys, Noel's been in the middle of everything that's been happening to us. He clearly has more A-ness than anyone else out there.

Juliet: I wouldn't have put it that way, Hanna.

Emily: Hold on, Ali, you know Noel better than any of us.

Hanna: so does Juliet

Juliet: yeah but I don’t know his secrets, I just know how he is like

Hanna: sexually?

Juliet: Hanna!

Alison: I'm not proud to say it, but you're probably right. I trusted him once, but then I realized he was spying on me for Charlotte.

Emily: But you had something on him? I mean, from years ago.

Juliet: Yeah, that's right. Must have been good.

Alison: Do you remember that frat party I took you guys to, freshman year? We made those fake IDs.

Hanna: Yeah, all the guys were super drunk. So?
Aria: Sorority girl fell down the stairs. Oh, my God.

Alison: She didn't fall. Noel pushed her.

Hanna: See, no story with Noel Kahn in it has a happy ending.

Emily: What if you went to Noel now? Threatened to go to the police or

Alison: No, it's too late. His family paid the girl off years ago. He got away with it.

Spencer: Yeah, like he does with everything.

Hanna: Exactly why we shouldn't be arguing whether Noel's A A. D., Uber A or whatever. God, I can't believe you guys.

[Juliet’s apartment]

Juliet is helping Jamie with his homework, there is a knock on the door and Juliet goes to open it.

Juliet: hi

Women: hi, I came to look at the place

Juliet: what do you mean?

Women: its on sale right?

Juliet: no it isn’t

Women: I’m sorry but the owner Paul said its okay to do so

Juliet: I’m sorry but I think its best if you come another time

Women: erm

Juliet: yeah bye

[Later on that day]

Juliet is on the phone to Paul

Juliet: What the hell is your problem?

Paul: I have know problem just the fact I know that you have enough money to have a place

Juliet: why are you doing this?

Paul: because if I own a place I might as well get something out of it, I got plans for that place

Juliet: you should have told me you didn’t want me here no more, but I’ll leave. Bye

Paul looks at his phone feel bad; Juliet then goes up to Jamie and tells him to pack his things slowly.

[Hanna’s apartment]

Spencer: Okay. Hanna, we're all here. What's the emergency?

Hanna: I had a nightmare that Caleb was run over by a car. But he's okay. And then Grunwald showed up and told me he's not okay and then Noel Kahn showed up and made Grunwald's head explode.

Juliet: To be fair, that does sound like an emergency.

Spencer: Okay, can you go over that again more slowly? And what exactly are you saying?

Hanna: That Noel Kahn is A.D. You guys, I told you last night. He stole Mary Drake's file he hurt Yvonne, he called Dr. Cochran

Aria: Wait, we weren't even together last night.

Hanna: No, we were in my dream. Catch up. You guys, he burned us out of the storm cellar and he wrote on that window. He probably killed Sara and we know he's bad because way back when he pushed that sorority girl down the stairs.

Emily: Hanna, what about Sara telling me we're looking for the same thing you are? I mean, she and Jenna were working with Noel.

Hanna: To find Charlotte's killer. And that still leaves room for Noel Kahn to be A. D.

Spencer: And what about the storm cellar?

Hanna: He's the only one who'd write "I see you."

Juliet: Maybe.

Hanna: No, you guys

Emily: What about Caleb? How's he doing on breaking the code in the files?

Hanna: Not good. But what does that matter anyways? You guys are never gonna realize that Noel is the one behind everything.
Emily: Never say never.

Hanna: Oh, thanks, Pam.

Emily: Hey.

Hanna: What else is there to look into? Nothing. We're at a dead end.

Spencer: No. Not exactly. Aria and I have a doctor's appointment to go to.

[Hanna’s Apartment]

Juliet: Do you think Noel wrote it?

Alison: I don't know what to think anymore.

Spencer: Well, whoever A.D. is they're still one step ahead of us.

Emily: Uh, not necessarily. You got to the doctors first. Yeah, and I'll let you know how helpful that was after I look into every county childcare employee from the 90s.

Emily: Well, maybe it's time we go to the police and just say it's Noel. And Toby hasn't left yet' and that Detective Furey seems reasonable

Spencer: What happens if we're wrong?

Juliet: and we could be

Alison: A.D. fries us. That's what happens.

Aria: Hanna?

[Radley Bar]

Juliet drinking at the bar alone and Noel comes by.

Noel: need some company?

Juliet: no

Noel: you know what they say about a pretty girl drinking alone at a bar, right?

Juliet: not really

Noel: never leave her alone

Juliet tears up

Juliet: you are the only one that actually cared about me that one time; please don’t be the bad guy.

Noel goes next to Juliet’s lips.

Noel: I’m not the bad guy, but I am dangerous, and that one time you loved that about me

Juliet and Noel kiss, then Noel takes Juliet to his room, they both have a steamy moment together and in the middle of it Noel says

Noel: I still care, always have always will.

Juliet kisses noel.

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