Sunday, 17 September 2017

PLL Season 7/19 | StoryTime

Season 7 Episode 19 Farewell My Lovely

[Spencer’s Barn]

Hanna:  Are you absolutely sure about this?

Caleb: Mona has the game. She not only has it, she's accessing the guts of the thing. You can see that by the signals. It's her game.

Juliet: Hanna, Mona's A.D.

Spencer: The good thing is that we know and she doesn't know that we know. I'm just glad that you didn't bust in on her.

Caleb: Well, we have to do something. We should do it now.  There's a lot of chatter on the police frequencies. Tanner's paying a lot of overtime I think she's getting ready to move.

Spencer: Well, we need Mona if she's A.D.

Alison: Why?

Spencer: So she can tell the cops what she's been doing to us. Look, guys, our only shot at a break is a live Mona explaining how we ended up on that road with Dunhill.

Caleb: I'll convince her.

Hanna: No, I'll talk to her.

Caleb: Not alone, you won't.

Ezra: Aria's still not answering her phone. What I can't understand is how you could do this just cut her off like that?

Spencer: Okay, Ezra, you have to understand

Ezra: Understand what, Spencer? That she screwed up? That she got scared and made a mistake? There isn't a person in this room who hasn't made a big mistake and doesn't have to live live with it. Do you know what makes A.D. so dangerous? She can't forgive, that is the only edge any of you ever have had over her and now you don't even have that.

[Emily’s Dream]

Aria: He's coming for you.

Juliet: We have to go.

Hanna: Now, Alison.

Emily: We came back here for you, Ali. So move it!

Spencer: It's too late. He's already here.

Hanna: He's awfully sprightly for a dead guy.

Juliet: You know, maybe if you'd hit him harder the first time.

Spencer: Guys, less talking, more stacking.

 Emily: Ali!


Ezra: We should turn her over to the police.

Spencer: Not like this.

Alison: She killed Charlotte

Juliet: and she tried to kill Hanna.

Hanna: She didn't know who I was.

Spencer: I'm not turning her over to Tanner like this. Some enhanced interrogation and Mona could be gone forever.

Ezra: That may have already happened.

Alison: Why is she dressed like that?

Spencer: She went back to a safe place. The one place before everything went wrong where the worst she had to worry about was you being mean to her in the cafeteria.

Aria: We could call Dr. Sullivan. She should take Mona to the police, she can explain.

Spencer: It's a good idea.

Juliet: Did you get it?

Caleb: Yeah, I put it in cabin one. Emily is watching it.

Spencer: Can you stay here with Ezra and watch Mona?

Caleb: Sure.

Girl move to a different room

Emily: Does that mean we won?

Spencer: We got those pieces after Hanna found out that Mona killed Charlotte.

Alison: The body.

Aria: Whatever Tanner has, she doesn't have the body.

Juliet: Then where is it?

Hanna: What is it, a flipping cartoon??

Spencer: It's augmented reality.

Hanna: Not really the answer.

Alison: "Aunt Carol." My aunt Carol?

Emily: We've been all over that place. Where would you hide a body there?

[Woods at Aunt Carols]

Spencer: Take a symbolic grave and make it a real one.

Alison: Points for irony.

Hanna: Points for being really sick.

Emily: We get him out of there, we get rid of him, and that's it.

Aria: Guys, guys. Just wait a minute.

Juliet: Wait for what?

Aria: Do we really wanna do this?

Juliet: Nobody wants to do it

Alison: Aria, but we have to.

Aria: Do we?

Alison: What are you talking about?

Aria: I can't do this anymore. I've had enough. Every single time we do this only graves that get dug are ours.

Hanna: What are we supposed to do?

Aria: Walk away. Leave Archer Dunhill to the worms.

Emily: Don't we have to be sure that he's down there?

Alison: Well, what do we do if he isn't?

Aria: Don't you see? It doesn't end. If we wanna stop the crazy, we've to stop acting crazy. Crazy and scared.

Spencer: She's right. If we don't walk away now, we might as well just crawl down there with him.

Emily: Are you serious?

Hanna: If we don't walk away, we'll end up just like Mona.

Spencer: Requiescat in pace.

Tanner: You ladies need any help?

[Police Station]

Aria: Ezra and Caleb are gonna wonder what happened, they're gonna start looking for us.

Emily: Won't be hard to find us.

Alison: Guys, what are we gonna do?

Spencer: Tell the truth.

Hanna: How will telling the truth now get us off?

Spencer: We're not gonna get off.

Juliet: So, this is it?

Alison: Well, maybe when they hear Mona we'll get some mercy.

Aria: Police aren't interested in mercy they want justice.

Juliet: Yeah. And justice is a blindfolded bitch.

Tanner: The body at the farm has been tentatively identified as Archer Dunhill. Make yourselves comfortable, there's something I have to do and then we'll talk.

Spencer: "Make yourselves comfortable?" God, she's a riot.

Emily: What is she doing here?

Spencer: I don't know.

Tanner interviews Mary

Tanner: You're free to go. I am sorry for any inconvenience.

Emily: What?

Tanner: Mary Drake confessed to killing Archer Dunhill and her own sister. Her statement is full of credible details about getting the car repaired and taking a shower in Spencer's barn which accounts for blood evidence and glass fragments.

Hanna: So you're just gonna let us go?

Tanner: Well, you haven't done anything wrong. Have you?

Aria: You used to think so up until recently.

Tanner: The district attorney is a simple man. And he likes his cases drawn in bold, straight lines. I can give him Mary Drake and a logical story about her and Dunhill or I can give him a box of loose ends with theories that might be true but no one could ever prove. I know which version he wants.

Spencer: Do you believe Mary?

Tanner: I am convinced that Mary Drake is guilty of at least one homicide. She did kill her sister. And that's enough to send her where she can hurt no one ever again.

Spencer: Do you believe that she killed Archer Dunhill?

Tanner: What I believe and what I can prove  are two different things. Go home. You're not criminals. Not really. Try and remember that.

Spencer: Lieutenant Tanner! I wanna talk to her, please.

Tanner: It is better if you don't.

Juliet: She did this for you. Don't ask her to explain.


Spencer: We've called Dr. Sullivan  and she's gonna be here in a few hours. You're gonna be okay.

Hanna: I'm sorry, Mona.

Mona: For what?

Hanna: For showing you the game and pulling you in.

Mona: But you needed me. You don't know what that felt like. You needed me. Just like you needed me to take care of Charlotte after all the terrible things that she did.I'm sorry, I messed that up. Nothing ever happens the way it's supposed to with me.

Spencer: What do you mean?

Mona: The reason the police never found a murder weapon is because they were looking for something hidden. It wasn't hidden. It was right there all the time in the steeple waiting for Charlotte to come.

A while later

Spencer: Be careful.

Alison: It's dead.

Emily: Wait, did we end the game or did Mary Drake?

Hanna: Mona did. When she told us what happened to Charlotte.

Juliet: I don't know who did, but it's finished.

Aria: We still don't know who did this.

Spencer: Well, it wasn't Mona and Mary saved us from A.D. by confessing. A.D. doesn't have any leverage anymore they've nothing left to threaten us with.

Aria: Are you sure about that?

Spencer: I'm not sure about anything. That's not true. I'm sure about one thing I'm sure about all of you.

Hanna: Okay, let's get out of here before things get too mushy.

Emily: Good idea.

Alison: I agree.

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