Saturday, 16 September 2017

PLL Season 7/16 | StoryTime

Season 7 Episode 16 The Gloves That Rocks Cardle

[Alison’s House]

Hanna: He doesn't have anything on you, right?

Spencer: He does. Because that night, I got drunk at the Radley and I used Rollins' credit card by mistake.

Hanna: You got drunk?

Aria: W-what about our timeline? For all the cops know Dunhill could have actually been in that bar.

Spencer: No, they have me on surveillance. They can't see the card, so they need my slip with the signature on it, and they're gonna have that in a few days.

Alison: You screw anything else up?

Spencer: No.

Hanna: How would you know? You were trashed.

Juliet: Anyone of us could have made a mistake that night.

Alison: bet you’d know a lot about that, nights of mistakes.

Juliet: what’s that supposed to mean?

Alison: I think you know

Juliet: are you calling my son a mistake

Alison: no you just did

Juliet: shut up Allie

Emily: guys look A.D wants us to fight so stop it. It’s true it could have been anyone of us

Hanna:  That's my point,Emily. Now, they're gonna be looking. And I'm the one who turned Dunhill into roadkill. Spencer, why the hell were you drunk?

Spencer: Cause I was upset. And from what I remember, you had a pretty good view.

Emily: 'I-if that signature disappears then, so does Furey's proof, right? Well, I was pushing Moscow Mules at the Radley for a while I know where all the paper work is. I mean, the codes on the doors change weekly, but

Hanna: I can get them. My mom's office.

Aria: What if someone sees you?

Alison: What if Lucas sees you?

Hanna: Can we not go there right now?

Emily: Tomorrow night is the weekly staff meeting. The entire Radley crew is held hostage in a room for an hour and told to smile more.

Spencer: Even if no one in the hotel sees her the security cameras will.

Hanna: No, they won't.

 [A While Later]

Caleb: It won't be a problem shutting it down. Ashley hired me to create the entire security system.

Spencer: Oh, thank God.

Caleb: But I can't do it for more than ten minutes.

Hanna: Wait, what? What kind of crappy system did you create?

Caleb: It's a safety feature. If it's shut down for much longer then the security company is alerted.

Hanna: My head hurts. No, no, no. Not now. "Pick up my homework or go to detention." Remember, prison food makes you fat."

 Emily: What does A.D. want from a computer shop?

Hanna: I don't know, but whatever it is I'll have to bring it to the school.

[Spencer’s Barn]

Hanna: What does Lucas have to do with this?

Spencer: I don't know, I didn't ask. I was too busy committing the theft.

Videos plays

Hanna: Wait, I recognize this. This is from after Charlotte's murder.

Spencer: Dammit!

Juliet: Spencer, calm down.

Spencer: No, Furey is building a case. What if he goes back and talks to him?

Alison: Lucas will make sure that we're rotting in jail before we ever find anything else to prove that he's torturing us.

Hanna: It's not Lucas.

Spencer: Hanna, he just threw you under the bus.

Hanna: I don't care.

Spencer: Shall I rewind it so we can see him back it over you?

Hanna: He got busted so he told the truth. He's weak, it doesn't make him sick.

Emily: And what about destroying Ali's memorial?  Stealing Caleb's money, joining Mona's army. I mean he has a dark side, Hanna. We all do when we're pushed hard enough.

Hanna: I don't care how many videos you show me he's my friend, just like every one of you. And no matter how shady you guys looked I know in my heart you would never hurt me.

Aria: That's not true. You haven't always known that. You were once so afraid of Lucas you pushed him out of a row boat. Maybe there's a way that we can find out if it's him.

Spencer: What do you mean?

Aria: Hanna's waiting to hear from A.D. to tell her when to take that hard drive to the school we should stake out the locker.

Hanna: Locker?

Aria: Yeah, I thought-I thought that's what you said.

Alison: Look, we've tried this a million times. When has it ever worked?

Juliet: It only has to work once.

Spencer: Yeah Hanna's gonna drop it off, so let's see who shows up to get it.

[Spencer’s House]

Hanna: It's the text from A.D. that was sent this morning.

Caleb: Hanna has to drop off the hard drive at the school at the exact same time the staff meeting starts at the Radley.

Spencer: Great, so basically Hanna has to be in two places at once.

Caleb: It just means that we're working in a tight time frame.

Juliet: Okay, so Caleb will disable the cameras and, Hanna, you'll grab the credit card slip.

Hanna: Yeah, but I only have ten minutes to do it or the SWAT team shows up.

 Caleb: It's enough time.

Emily: The boxes are all marked. It shouldn't be hard.

Hanna: Well, I'm glad you're confident.

Aria: Listen, I know we're a little short on people but I promised Ezra I'd go to this press event tonight.

Emily: Fine, just go. Ali and I will wait at the school to see who picks up the hard drive.

[Alison’s House]

Spencer: What a monster.

Juliet: I know that Lucas destroyed your memorial but do we really think he's as disgusting as all this?

Emily: I could kick myself. I was so close to catching him.

Spencer: I'm just glad he didn't hurt you guys. He clearly didn't expect you to be home.

Alison: Exactly. He knew we were at the school. I think the hard drive thing was a setup.

Aria: Did-did you catch a glimpse of him?

Emily: No, if Lucas is A.D., he definitely has a helper.

Spencer: What do you mean?

Alison: There's no way whoever's at that school could beat us back here.

Alison: Em, it's gonna be okay.

Juliet: We-we can fix it.

Spencer: Here. Look, we can glue this back together, see?

Alison: Em, don't let this scare you. When you do that, you give A.D. power.

Emily: Of course I'm scared. I mean, this is supposed to be the baby's room and now I know we'll never be safe.

Spencer: Aria, is this yours?

Aria: Oh, yeah. It's funny I thought I heard something drop on the floor when I came in. Thank you.

Emily: I can't be in here anymore.

Alison: Come on, let's go.

[Hanna’s Apartment]

Spencer: It's over Lucas. We know it was you.

Lucas: Look, I can explain why I'm here.

Alison: Did it feel good to scare us? Did it make you feel powerful?

Lucas: What?

Alison: You smeared blood on a crib.

Aria: Maybe he didn't.

Juliet: Are you crazy?

Emily: If he isn't A.D. then why is he here?

Lucas: I'm not staying.

Hanna: Lucas, at least tell me why. I saw the police tape. I know you took it back.  Being our alibi after Charlotte was murdered.

Lucas: You saw that?

Alison: It didn't work the first time. So now you're sending body parts.

Lucas: What the hell is she talking about?

Hanna: If you don't know, why are you so freaked out?

Lucas: Because of the book. Because of my friendship with Charles. I figured he found out. But I swear, I swear that I didn't know that he.. She was the one who was torturing you. I didn't think that he and Charlotte were the same person.

Spencer: You just said that you stayed friends.

Lucas: Over e-mail.

Emily: If you didn't know that you were friends with A then why would you lie about it after you found out.

Hanna: Lucas, speak!

Lucas: Because it may be a part of the reason why you were tortured. Most of the e-mails that I sent in high school were about mean queen Alison. And her loyal band of followers. I gave details about how you made my life a living hell. And how the rest of you just watched.

Spencer: So that's why you stole back the comic book.

Lucas: It's a graphic novel and I didn't. It was sent to me, along with this.

Spencer: "Want to keep your friendship a secret? Meet me at the Radley."

Lucas: I went but nobody showed up.

Aria: Why'd you come back here if you already had the book?

Lucas: Because there's a second book. One that was done much later. It turned the idea of vengeance into a game.

Juliet: A game?

Lucas: But I came back tonight because I didn't want  whoever sent that note to have it.

Aria: Where is it? Where is the other book?

Lucas: I was too late.

Hanna: How did the book end?

Lucas: I don't know. It was never finished.


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