Sunday, 17 September 2017

PLL Season 7/19 | StoryTime

Season 7 Episode 19 Farewell My Lovely

[Spencer’s Barn]

Hanna:  Are you absolutely sure about this?

Caleb: Mona has the game. She not only has it, she's accessing the guts of the thing. You can see that by the signals. It's her game.

Juliet: Hanna, Mona's A.D.

Spencer: The good thing is that we know and she doesn't know that we know. I'm just glad that you didn't bust in on her.

Caleb: Well, we have to do something. We should do it now.  There's a lot of chatter on the police frequencies. Tanner's paying a lot of overtime I think she's getting ready to move.

Spencer: Well, we need Mona if she's A.D.

Alison: Why?

Spencer: So she can tell the cops what she's been doing to us. Look, guys, our only shot at a break is a live Mona explaining how we ended up on that road with Dunhill.

Caleb: I'll convince her.

Hanna: No, I'll talk to her.

Caleb: Not alone, you won't.

Ezra: Aria's still not answering her phone. What I can't understand is how you could do this just cut her off like that?

Spencer: Okay, Ezra, you have to understand

Ezra: Understand what, Spencer? That she screwed up? That she got scared and made a mistake? There isn't a person in this room who hasn't made a big mistake and doesn't have to live live with it. Do you know what makes A.D. so dangerous? She can't forgive, that is the only edge any of you ever have had over her and now you don't even have that.

[Emily’s Dream]

Aria: He's coming for you.

Juliet: We have to go.

Hanna: Now, Alison.

Emily: We came back here for you, Ali. So move it!

Spencer: It's too late. He's already here.

Hanna: He's awfully sprightly for a dead guy.

Juliet: You know, maybe if you'd hit him harder the first time.

Spencer: Guys, less talking, more stacking.

 Emily: Ali!


Ezra: We should turn her over to the police.

Spencer: Not like this.

Alison: She killed Charlotte

Juliet: and she tried to kill Hanna.

Hanna: She didn't know who I was.

Spencer: I'm not turning her over to Tanner like this. Some enhanced interrogation and Mona could be gone forever.

Ezra: That may have already happened.

Alison: Why is she dressed like that?

Spencer: She went back to a safe place. The one place before everything went wrong where the worst she had to worry about was you being mean to her in the cafeteria.

Aria: We could call Dr. Sullivan. She should take Mona to the police, she can explain.

Spencer: It's a good idea.

Juliet: Did you get it?

Caleb: Yeah, I put it in cabin one. Emily is watching it.

Spencer: Can you stay here with Ezra and watch Mona?

Caleb: Sure.

Girl move to a different room

Emily: Does that mean we won?

Spencer: We got those pieces after Hanna found out that Mona killed Charlotte.

Alison: The body.

Aria: Whatever Tanner has, she doesn't have the body.

Juliet: Then where is it?

Hanna: What is it, a flipping cartoon??

Spencer: It's augmented reality.

Hanna: Not really the answer.

Alison: "Aunt Carol." My aunt Carol?

Emily: We've been all over that place. Where would you hide a body there?

[Woods at Aunt Carols]

Spencer: Take a symbolic grave and make it a real one.

Alison: Points for irony.

Hanna: Points for being really sick.

Emily: We get him out of there, we get rid of him, and that's it.

Aria: Guys, guys. Just wait a minute.

Juliet: Wait for what?

Aria: Do we really wanna do this?

Juliet: Nobody wants to do it

Alison: Aria, but we have to.

Aria: Do we?

Alison: What are you talking about?

Aria: I can't do this anymore. I've had enough. Every single time we do this only graves that get dug are ours.

Hanna: What are we supposed to do?

Aria: Walk away. Leave Archer Dunhill to the worms.

Emily: Don't we have to be sure that he's down there?

Alison: Well, what do we do if he isn't?

Aria: Don't you see? It doesn't end. If we wanna stop the crazy, we've to stop acting crazy. Crazy and scared.

Spencer: She's right. If we don't walk away now, we might as well just crawl down there with him.

Emily: Are you serious?

Hanna: If we don't walk away, we'll end up just like Mona.

Spencer: Requiescat in pace.

Tanner: You ladies need any help?

[Police Station]

Aria: Ezra and Caleb are gonna wonder what happened, they're gonna start looking for us.

Emily: Won't be hard to find us.

Alison: Guys, what are we gonna do?

Spencer: Tell the truth.

Hanna: How will telling the truth now get us off?

Spencer: We're not gonna get off.

Juliet: So, this is it?

Alison: Well, maybe when they hear Mona we'll get some mercy.

Aria: Police aren't interested in mercy they want justice.

Juliet: Yeah. And justice is a blindfolded bitch.

Tanner: The body at the farm has been tentatively identified as Archer Dunhill. Make yourselves comfortable, there's something I have to do and then we'll talk.

Spencer: "Make yourselves comfortable?" God, she's a riot.

Emily: What is she doing here?

Spencer: I don't know.

Tanner interviews Mary

Tanner: You're free to go. I am sorry for any inconvenience.

Emily: What?

Tanner: Mary Drake confessed to killing Archer Dunhill and her own sister. Her statement is full of credible details about getting the car repaired and taking a shower in Spencer's barn which accounts for blood evidence and glass fragments.

Hanna: So you're just gonna let us go?

Tanner: Well, you haven't done anything wrong. Have you?

Aria: You used to think so up until recently.

Tanner: The district attorney is a simple man. And he likes his cases drawn in bold, straight lines. I can give him Mary Drake and a logical story about her and Dunhill or I can give him a box of loose ends with theories that might be true but no one could ever prove. I know which version he wants.

Spencer: Do you believe Mary?

Tanner: I am convinced that Mary Drake is guilty of at least one homicide. She did kill her sister. And that's enough to send her where she can hurt no one ever again.

Spencer: Do you believe that she killed Archer Dunhill?

Tanner: What I believe and what I can prove  are two different things. Go home. You're not criminals. Not really. Try and remember that.

Spencer: Lieutenant Tanner! I wanna talk to her, please.

Tanner: It is better if you don't.

Juliet: She did this for you. Don't ask her to explain.


Spencer: We've called Dr. Sullivan  and she's gonna be here in a few hours. You're gonna be okay.

Hanna: I'm sorry, Mona.

Mona: For what?

Hanna: For showing you the game and pulling you in.

Mona: But you needed me. You don't know what that felt like. You needed me. Just like you needed me to take care of Charlotte after all the terrible things that she did.I'm sorry, I messed that up. Nothing ever happens the way it's supposed to with me.

Spencer: What do you mean?

Mona: The reason the police never found a murder weapon is because they were looking for something hidden. It wasn't hidden. It was right there all the time in the steeple waiting for Charlotte to come.

A while later

Spencer: Be careful.

Alison: It's dead.

Emily: Wait, did we end the game or did Mary Drake?

Hanna: Mona did. When she told us what happened to Charlotte.

Juliet: I don't know who did, but it's finished.

Aria: We still don't know who did this.

Spencer: Well, it wasn't Mona and Mary saved us from A.D. by confessing. A.D. doesn't have any leverage anymore they've nothing left to threaten us with.

Aria: Are you sure about that?

Spencer: I'm not sure about anything. That's not true. I'm sure about one thing I'm sure about all of you.

Hanna: Okay, let's get out of here before things get too mushy.

Emily: Good idea.

Alison: I agree.

PLL Season 7/18 | StoryTime

Season 7 Episode 18 Choose Or Lose


Caleb: Hey, did your mom find you?

Hanna: I could have climbed through a window and she would have found me.

Emily: Hey, she gave us a room to hang out in until we can go back to our houses.

Hanna: Yeah, I know. Probably thought I'd feel bad about getting a free suite. The world's upside down.

Spencer: Speaking of which I got us all these until we get our real phones back.

Hanna: This makes me really want to go to jail.

Alison: What're we doing to stay out of jail?

Juliet: Has anyone heard from Aria?

Spencer: No. Cause she doesn't have one of these.

Emily: Okay, guys, I know we all woke up early and we're cranky, but let's stay focused. I'm as freaked out as the rest of you. Maybe even more, considering it looks like A.D. was watching Ali and me sleep last night.

Juliet: Wait, so are you two

Hanna: Well, about time.

Caleb:  So, I've been thinking. The game has to connect to the Internet and it does that with an IP address which is like a phone number. I'm writing a program right now to search the cell towers in Rosewood.  When the game connects, I might be able to find his location.

Hanna: No wonder they call you "Too genius, too furious."

Caleb: No one calls me that.

Hanna: Wait, we ordered food?

Juliet: Yeah, before we realize that none of us was hungry.

Hanna: Oh, my God.

Alison: Is that the same one from the game?

Emily: I think so. "Just one plea, the rest go free.  If no one steps up, you all go down."

Juliet: I don't understand.

Spencer: He wants us to choose one of us to go to jail.

Emily: Or we all go.

Mona enters

Mona: If you want an explanation, you might try asking Aria.

Spencer: Why would we ask Aria?

Mona: I think she's on the A.D. team.

Spencer: Explain.

Mona: Well First there's the whole locker 214 fiasco. Aria said she couldn't make it to the high school to see who picked up the hard drive.

Alison: That's because she was at the publicity event with Ezra.

Mona: Which she did not actually attend, so where was she? The trashing of your nursery happened at the exact same time. Spencer, were any of us sitting in this room right now near your house when that recording of Mary Drake and your father was played?

Spencer: How do you know about that? No. But Aria was.

Emily: Okay, guys, come on. Aria would never do something like that.

Mona: I saw her get a puzzle piece in the brew. It was hidden for her and she knew where to find it. I also managed to access a portion of an unsettling phone call Aria had today.

Juliet: With who?

Mona: A.D.

Mona plays recording.

Mona: I'm not happy about this. Whether you choose to believe me or not

Spencer: Concrete proof.

Mona: Just remember you asked for it.


Juliet: What are you doin' out here?

Aria: I was, I was trying to meet A.D.

Alison: Oh, my God. Mona was right.

Aria: Mona? What has Mona have to do

Emily: Were you in our nursery? Did you put the recording in Spencer's house? I mean, did A.D. ask you to do this and in return give you a puzzle piece?

Aria: I can explain.

Hanna: Aria, we literally caught you black-hooded.

Juliet: Why would you do this for A.D.?

Aria: Do you remember when we found out Ezra was writing a book about Alison and hid it from us, from me? I did something to get back at him.

Hanna: What?

Aria: I filled out a police report that was accusing him of trying to take advantage of me. I never filed it, but somehow A.D. got it and threatened to turn it in. Ezra would have gone to jail.

Alison: So, what? It was just a no-brainer of you to pick Ezra over us?

Aria: Guys, I didn't know what to do.

Emily: You could have talked to us. Okay? We're friends, since forever. That's what we do.

Alison: Hello.

Juliet: Do you know anything about "Choose or loose" or the timer?

Aria: No. What are you

Juliet: The game, Aria!

Aria: A.D. never mentioned any of that.

Spencer: You really have been talking to A.D.

Aria: Spence, A.D. or A has been forcing us to make terrible choices. Do you remember Malcolm? You kidnapped Ezra's kid to get to Toby.

Spencer: I didn't end up hurting anybody. Because of you, my parents are getting a divorce. You have ruined everything that I ever had. We're done. We're done and I'm out.

Alison: Spencer.

Spencer: Don't try to change my mind.

Alison: I'm not trying to. That was Tanner. She wants us to come down to the police station. You, too.

Spencer: You can find your own ride.

[Police Station]

Tanner: Thank you for joining me. I thought it might be helpful to discuss all of the evidence that our department has gathered into the investigation of the murder of Mr. Archer Dunhill. Piece of glass was retrieved from Ms. Hasting's shower drain this morning. A windshield fragment. Interesting, since the car belonging to an acquaintance of yours, Lucas Gottesman recently had its windshield replaced.

 Hanna: Lots of cars get their windshields replaced.

Tanner: But the piece of glass in question also matches a fragment found under the fingernails of the deceased, Mr. Dunhill. We're also analyzing your search history in your computers. Honestly, it surprises me just how few people take advantage of the privacy settings.

Emily: What else?

Tanner: Excuse me?

Emily: What else do you have?

Tanner: There's a quite a bit of Radley Hotel video from the night Mr. Dunhill disappeared. Did you know that they even have a camera in the elevator?

Spencer: We get it. There's lots of evidence. And there's probably more to come. But the question is, why are you telling us this?

Tanner: I thought it was obvious. I am giving you a chance to tell your side of the story before my side becomes the only side.

Juliet: You were the one who rescued us five years ago.

Tanner: That's because you wouldn't tell me the truth and you ended up in an underground bunker. So why don't you let me help you now?

Spencer: Are we done here?

Tanner: For now. Mm-hmm. You're free to go home. Hope you get a good night's sleep.


Hanna: Time is stupid.

Spencer: That's my favorite thing you've ever said.

Tanner: How is it that after everything we've been through one or all of us is about to go to jail?

Emily: This time around, it is kinda special. I mean we did kill a guy.

Hanna: Did anyone notice anything different about Mona this morning?

Alison: She's Mona. Different's in her job description.

Hanna: Yeah, I guess.

Juliet: "Twenty four hours left. Pick just one or you're all done."

Alison: At least, he's consistent.

Emily: Yeah, well, there's no way that's gonna happen.

Hanna: Maybe there is. I was driving. I'm the one who killed him. If I turn myself in, then you guys are safe.

Spencer: No. I'm the person who should turn themselves in. If I hadn't have used the wrong credit card at this bar, then we would all be in the clear.

Alison: None of this would have happened if I hadn't married whatever his name was.

Emily: You guys, see what's happening here, right? I mean, this is why A.D's torturing us. This is exactly what they wanted all along. Us breaking apart. I mean, they already succeeded with Aria. Whether we pushed her out or she did herself she's gone.

Juliet: Aria definitely did it to herself.

Emily: Okay, but if A.D. hadn't gotten Aria to do what she did they'd have found a way to force another one of us, too. I mean, you should know that better than anyone else.

Spencer: Meaning what?

Emily: Meaning that A.D. convinced you to play the game first.

Hanna: Where are you going?

Spencer: I have some thinking to do.

Juliet: I guess we all do.


Juliet is sitting down waiting for Jason as he wanted to meet up with her at the Brew. Jason walks in, Juliet sees him and gets up from her seat, Jason walks over and sits down and so does Juliet.

Juliet: so

Jason: so

Juliet: Jason I am so sorry

Jason: I want to know why you kept it a secret from me? All these years Juliet

Juliet: I was scared

Jason: of what?

Juliet: You. Ok you scare me

Jason: how? What have I done?

Juliet: Jason what haven't you done? You use to drink till you have forgotten your name, you disappear most of the time and. You and one of my best friends got together

Jason: it still doesn't give you a right to keep my son away from me?

Juliet: isn't it, what if one day you decided not to be a father no more, you'd just leave

Jason: how do you know that? Huh? You clearly don't know me well enough

Juliet: oh I know you Jason. I know you more than anyone in this world. I adore you so much cause you gave me the most amazing gift and that Jamie

Jason: I thought he was Paul's son, I use to think Paul had it all, the job, the kid, the girl

Jason looks at Juliet

Jason: Jamie might just save my life like he saved yours, I want to see him

Juliet: he is at my mums but I'll get him soon

Jason: I don't want to be like my family. Everyone is so separated

Juliet: what do you mean?

Jason: the reason why I ever showed interest in Aria is because you both are most alike. But you can hold your ground

Jason holds Juliet's hand

Jason: let's try this together. Let's be a proper family please.

Juliet: I wanted this more than anything

Jason: let's go get our son

Juliet smiles at Jason and he smiles back. Jason kisses Juliet.

[Spencer’s Barn]

Hanna: Hey.

Spencer: Hey. How much time is left?

Alison: It's 3:59 a.m. So seconds.

Spencer: We all agreed that we'd be here when the time ran down. And here we all are.

Juliet: Except Aria.

Hanna: I think that we should make a promise. No matter what happens next no matter what each of us decides to do we swear that the rest of us will understand. No one will be blamed for anything.

Spencer: I swear.

Emily: Me, too.

 Juliet: I swear.

Spencer: I'll tell you what our choice is.

Hanna: Why didn't we think of that earlier?

Emily: Okay, what now?

Alison: We're supposed to wait here?

Caleb: That's exactly what you should do. Toby got a hit on the game's location. He texted Ezra to meet me.


Saturday, 16 September 2017

PLL Season 7/17 | StoryTime

Season 7 Episode 17 Driving Miss Crazy

[Hanna’s Apartment]

Spencer: Hanna, stop.

Hanna: What other evidence?  What is Furey talking about?  Did A.D. send him a nose?

Juliet: Hanna breathe.

Hanna: No, you breathe. We have to play the game until the end or that body is gonna end up in somebody else's hands piece by piece, and it's not gonna be ours. I'm taking another turn.

Spencer: Okay, it doesn't work like that. You have to be chosen.

Hanna: Why haven't you had a turn?

Aria: I don't know. I'm not in control of this game.

Spencer: What was that?

Mona: That was me. I'm sorry I'm late. What did I miss?

Spencer:  Ah, an invitation.

Hanna: Mona knows about the game.

Emily: But why?

Hanna: Because we need her help, Emily. She's brilliant.  She knows the answer before even I ask the question.

Mona: Well, the question is, why you waited so long to ask and for that I have no answer.

Emily: Wait, Mona, this isn't a real pursuit. There's a missing body and

Mona: Stop focusing so much on the dead body and put your attention on the live one.

Aria: What, you think you know who A.D. is?

Mona: I have a short list, starting with Jenna Marshall and ending in Mary Drake.

Spencer: Okay. You know what, we don't need your theories. And there's no piece on that board that looks like you.

Mona: I guess you're forgetting who replaced the shattered windshield once you peeled Dunhill off of it. Which makes me an accessory to your crime? And if you think I'm gonna leave my fate in your fumbling hands you've been smoking the drapes.

[Juliet’s hotel room]

Juliet is on the phone leaving a message to Jason.

Juliet: hi Jason, can you meet me later, just call me back please.

[A While Later]

There is a knock on the door Juliet goes to open it and it’s Jason.

Juliet: come in

Jason: you sounded serious on the phone what is it?

Juliet: it’s erm about Jamie

Jason: what is it is he okay?

Juliet: yeah he is fine it just

Juliet looks at Jason

Juliet: you need to sit down

Jason: no I am okay standing up

Juliet: Jason, Jamie is yours. He is your son

Jason: what are you talking about?

Juliet: Jason I

Jason: I need to go

Jason runs to the door

Jason: you kept this from me? How could you do that?

Juliet: Jason please

Jason: I can never forgive you for this

Jason leaves the hotel leaving Juliet in tears.

PLL Season 7/16 | StoryTime

Season 7 Episode 16 The Gloves That Rocks Cardle

[Alison’s House]

Hanna: He doesn't have anything on you, right?

Spencer: He does. Because that night, I got drunk at the Radley and I used Rollins' credit card by mistake.

Hanna: You got drunk?

Aria: W-what about our timeline? For all the cops know Dunhill could have actually been in that bar.

Spencer: No, they have me on surveillance. They can't see the card, so they need my slip with the signature on it, and they're gonna have that in a few days.

Alison: You screw anything else up?

Spencer: No.

Hanna: How would you know? You were trashed.

Juliet: Anyone of us could have made a mistake that night.

Alison: bet you’d know a lot about that, nights of mistakes.

Juliet: what’s that supposed to mean?

Alison: I think you know

Juliet: are you calling my son a mistake

Alison: no you just did

Juliet: shut up Allie

Emily: guys look A.D wants us to fight so stop it. It’s true it could have been anyone of us

Hanna:  That's my point,Emily. Now, they're gonna be looking. And I'm the one who turned Dunhill into roadkill. Spencer, why the hell were you drunk?

Spencer: Cause I was upset. And from what I remember, you had a pretty good view.

Emily: 'I-if that signature disappears then, so does Furey's proof, right? Well, I was pushing Moscow Mules at the Radley for a while I know where all the paper work is. I mean, the codes on the doors change weekly, but

Hanna: I can get them. My mom's office.

Aria: What if someone sees you?

Alison: What if Lucas sees you?

Hanna: Can we not go there right now?

Emily: Tomorrow night is the weekly staff meeting. The entire Radley crew is held hostage in a room for an hour and told to smile more.

Spencer: Even if no one in the hotel sees her the security cameras will.

Hanna: No, they won't.

 [A While Later]

Caleb: It won't be a problem shutting it down. Ashley hired me to create the entire security system.

Spencer: Oh, thank God.

Caleb: But I can't do it for more than ten minutes.

Hanna: Wait, what? What kind of crappy system did you create?

Caleb: It's a safety feature. If it's shut down for much longer then the security company is alerted.

Hanna: My head hurts. No, no, no. Not now. "Pick up my homework or go to detention." Remember, prison food makes you fat."

 Emily: What does A.D. want from a computer shop?

Hanna: I don't know, but whatever it is I'll have to bring it to the school.

[Spencer’s Barn]

Hanna: What does Lucas have to do with this?

Spencer: I don't know, I didn't ask. I was too busy committing the theft.

Videos plays

Hanna: Wait, I recognize this. This is from after Charlotte's murder.

Spencer: Dammit!

Juliet: Spencer, calm down.

Spencer: No, Furey is building a case. What if he goes back and talks to him?

Alison: Lucas will make sure that we're rotting in jail before we ever find anything else to prove that he's torturing us.

Hanna: It's not Lucas.

Spencer: Hanna, he just threw you under the bus.

Hanna: I don't care.

Spencer: Shall I rewind it so we can see him back it over you?

Hanna: He got busted so he told the truth. He's weak, it doesn't make him sick.

Emily: And what about destroying Ali's memorial?  Stealing Caleb's money, joining Mona's army. I mean he has a dark side, Hanna. We all do when we're pushed hard enough.

Hanna: I don't care how many videos you show me he's my friend, just like every one of you. And no matter how shady you guys looked I know in my heart you would never hurt me.

Aria: That's not true. You haven't always known that. You were once so afraid of Lucas you pushed him out of a row boat. Maybe there's a way that we can find out if it's him.

Spencer: What do you mean?

Aria: Hanna's waiting to hear from A.D. to tell her when to take that hard drive to the school we should stake out the locker.

Hanna: Locker?

Aria: Yeah, I thought-I thought that's what you said.

Alison: Look, we've tried this a million times. When has it ever worked?

Juliet: It only has to work once.

Spencer: Yeah Hanna's gonna drop it off, so let's see who shows up to get it.

[Spencer’s House]

Hanna: It's the text from A.D. that was sent this morning.

Caleb: Hanna has to drop off the hard drive at the school at the exact same time the staff meeting starts at the Radley.

Spencer: Great, so basically Hanna has to be in two places at once.

Caleb: It just means that we're working in a tight time frame.

Juliet: Okay, so Caleb will disable the cameras and, Hanna, you'll grab the credit card slip.

Hanna: Yeah, but I only have ten minutes to do it or the SWAT team shows up.

 Caleb: It's enough time.

Emily: The boxes are all marked. It shouldn't be hard.

Hanna: Well, I'm glad you're confident.

Aria: Listen, I know we're a little short on people but I promised Ezra I'd go to this press event tonight.

Emily: Fine, just go. Ali and I will wait at the school to see who picks up the hard drive.

[Alison’s House]

Spencer: What a monster.

Juliet: I know that Lucas destroyed your memorial but do we really think he's as disgusting as all this?

Emily: I could kick myself. I was so close to catching him.

Spencer: I'm just glad he didn't hurt you guys. He clearly didn't expect you to be home.

Alison: Exactly. He knew we were at the school. I think the hard drive thing was a setup.

Aria: Did-did you catch a glimpse of him?

Emily: No, if Lucas is A.D., he definitely has a helper.

Spencer: What do you mean?

Alison: There's no way whoever's at that school could beat us back here.

Alison: Em, it's gonna be okay.

Juliet: We-we can fix it.

Spencer: Here. Look, we can glue this back together, see?

Alison: Em, don't let this scare you. When you do that, you give A.D. power.

Emily: Of course I'm scared. I mean, this is supposed to be the baby's room and now I know we'll never be safe.

Spencer: Aria, is this yours?

Aria: Oh, yeah. It's funny I thought I heard something drop on the floor when I came in. Thank you.

Emily: I can't be in here anymore.

Alison: Come on, let's go.

[Hanna’s Apartment]

Spencer: It's over Lucas. We know it was you.

Lucas: Look, I can explain why I'm here.

Alison: Did it feel good to scare us? Did it make you feel powerful?

Lucas: What?

Alison: You smeared blood on a crib.

Aria: Maybe he didn't.

Juliet: Are you crazy?

Emily: If he isn't A.D. then why is he here?

Lucas: I'm not staying.

Hanna: Lucas, at least tell me why. I saw the police tape. I know you took it back.  Being our alibi after Charlotte was murdered.

Lucas: You saw that?

Alison: It didn't work the first time. So now you're sending body parts.

Lucas: What the hell is she talking about?

Hanna: If you don't know, why are you so freaked out?

Lucas: Because of the book. Because of my friendship with Charles. I figured he found out. But I swear, I swear that I didn't know that he.. She was the one who was torturing you. I didn't think that he and Charlotte were the same person.

Spencer: You just said that you stayed friends.

Lucas: Over e-mail.

Emily: If you didn't know that you were friends with A then why would you lie about it after you found out.

Hanna: Lucas, speak!

Lucas: Because it may be a part of the reason why you were tortured. Most of the e-mails that I sent in high school were about mean queen Alison. And her loyal band of followers. I gave details about how you made my life a living hell. And how the rest of you just watched.

Spencer: So that's why you stole back the comic book.

Lucas: It's a graphic novel and I didn't. It was sent to me, along with this.

Spencer: "Want to keep your friendship a secret? Meet me at the Radley."

Lucas: I went but nobody showed up.

Aria: Why'd you come back here if you already had the book?

Lucas: Because there's a second book. One that was done much later. It turned the idea of vengeance into a game.

Juliet: A game?

Lucas: But I came back tonight because I didn't want  whoever sent that note to have it.

Aria: Where is it? Where is the other book?

Lucas: I was too late.

Hanna: How did the book end?

Lucas: I don't know. It was never finished.


PLL Season 7/15 | StoryTime

Season 7 Episode 15 In The Eye Abides The Heart


 Spencer: What happened at the clinic?

Emily: When we explained the situation they said they'd rush the blood test.

Hanna: You explained things?

Emily: Sort of explained.

Aria:  What do we think this means?

Juliet: It means that the world is much smaller than we ever thought.

Emily: Lucas lied to us he said he didn't know anything about Charlotte.

Hanna: Maybe he didn't. Maybe he was friends with a boy named Charles a long time ago.

Aria: Or maybe it was more than one summer. Maybe they stayed friends at Radley and what happened after that

Hanna: No, no, not Lucas.

Spencer:  If there's one thing we should all know by now it's that not everybody tells you everything.

Emily: Pastor Ted might not be the only one who kept a souvenir of that summer. I-if Lucas stayed in touch with Charles and then Charlotte maybe there's a trail. And we should look.

Aria: That loft was a techno death trap, remember? I-it might be filled with bugs and cameras.

Juliet: Well, if it is, Lucas already knows all of our secrets.

Emily: So we search.

Spencer: Discreetly.

Hanna: You guys are wrong about him.

Spencer: I can't believe she was in that house. Mary. Whole time we were talking to Pastor Ted she was just fifteen, twenty feet away.I gotta go.

Emily: Yeah, me too. I'll help you after school.

Spencer: Okay.

All: Bye.

[Hanna’s Apartment]

Emily: The hero's this boy who gets picked on by other kids and by his own family.

Juliet: And then he meets this alien woman in the woods and she becomes his protector.

Emily: And she's this all powerful shape shifter who helps get revenge for the boy.

 Hanna: Torturing his enemies.

 Emily: And sometimes the boy turns into Arcturus so he can experience the payback she gets for him.

Hanna: You don't have to be four to figure this one out.

Aria: Lucas and Charles made this together?

Juliet: Yes, and Lucas kept it.

Emily: He's connected to Charlotte. He was there when this whole thing started.

Hanna: He's done way more than he's ever said.

Aria: Does this mean Lucas is A.D.?

Emily: Well, it's possible.

Aria: That means something else is possible.  Ali's baby.

Emily: No, no. No one says anything about this to Ali.

[Aria’s house]

Aria on the phone to A.D.

A.D: this will be fun

Aria: what do you mean?

A.D: you were once frenimies with dear Juliet, so how about you gain that trust back from me by betraying her?

Aria: no no

A.D: are you sure about that? The board will start up again shortly and she will be up next

Aria: what do you want me to do?

A.D: she will reveal a secret but you will have to get the evidence

Aria: how?

A.D: wait for it you’ll know soon

[Spencer’s Barn]

Juliet walks in

Juliet: what’s going on?

Emily: it’s your turn

Hanna: they want you to visit Jamie with a friend

Juliet: what?

Spencer: this isn’t fair why is Jamie involved?

Juliet: what does it want from my son?

Aria: I’ll go with you, like Spencer said we will protect Jamie no matter what

Juliet: thanks Aria

[Juliet’s mums house]

Juliet is playing with Jamie while Aria is talking to Hailey (Juliet’s mum)

Hailey: so glad you’re here Aria, it’s been such a long time

Aria: I know

Aria gets a text from A.D to get a hair sample from Jamie; Aria goes to Juliet and Jamie

Aria: hi how about you show me all you toys in your room and Juliet think you should speak to your mum

Juliet: why?

Aria: Juliet life is too short come on

Juliet: ok

Juliet kisses Jamie and walks off while Jamie takes Aria to his room, Aria grabs a scissor

Aria: oh wait hold on Jamie there is something on your hair

Aria snips some of Jamie’s hair

Aria: okay go on show me your toys.

[A while later Aria and Juliet get out the house]

Juliet: I miss him

Aria: why can’t he come and leave with you?

Juliet: because it’s not safe I want him to be safe

Juliet walks to the car and Aria gets another message from A.D telling her to put the sample of hair behind a tree next to Hailey’s house, that’s what she does then she walks to the car.

[Spencer’s Barn]

All the girls look at the board, the phone says “you have failed want to know a secret”

Juliet: no I did what it said I saw Jamie today

Alison: what the hell is going on?

Hanna: what body part are the police going to get this time?

The phone shows Jamie’s DNA test that matches Jason’s.

Emily: same blood type and DNA

Spencer: Jamie James

Alison: and Jason DiLaurentis

Hanna: this must be fake

Aria: it’s fake right Juliet?

Juliet: no

Emily: omg

Juliet: it’s real

Alison: I can’t believe he hid that from Jason

Juliet: I had to Jamie is all I had and Jason he was with

Juliet looks at Aria but stops talking

Spencer: so he is Jason’s

Hanna: And all this time I thought Jamie was Noels

Juliet: I didn’t know in the beginning, but I remembered I was with Paul and I did cheat on him with Jason that was partly the reason we never would have worked out.

Alison: and what about you and Jason why wouldn’t it have worked out with you both

Juliet: that doesn’t matter

Alison: it does, he is my brother

Juliet: please don’t tell him , please I want to tell him in my own time

Alison: no we’ll let you tell him because I want you to hear how his heart will break when you tell him

Juliet: Allie

Alison: no we are finished here

Alison leaves and Emily follows

Hanna: she’ll get over it

Spencer: how? I am actually feeling sorry for Jamie here; he doesn’t know who his father is. He must be so confused

Juliet: please don’t hate me Spencer

Spencer: you and Mary have a lot in common

Juliet leaves in tears.

Aria: I don’t think we should be angry with her

Spencer: why not? What else is she hiding?

Hanna: I think you’re more angry with Mary than you are with Juliet and you’re just talking it out on her. It’s not fair.

Spencer: what’s not fair is when a child doesn’t know who their real parent is.

Aria gets a text saying “ Juliet - 0. Aria - 1”