Wednesday, 11 November 2015

PLL Season 2/18 | StoryTime

Season 2 Episode 18 A Kiss Before Lying

[Spencer’s house]

Aria: Turn the volume up.

Emily: Can you make the view full screen?

Spencer: Maybe make it lighter. The picture seems really dark.

Juliet: Can you do close ups?

Caleb: All right, that's it. I've officially stopped taking requests. Can you guys like back up a little bit?

Spencer: We're not even standing that close to you.

Caleb: Really? Then how do I know you had a cheeseburger for lunch?

Juliet: Um, haven't we already seen this before?

Caleb: Yeah, but look here.

Aria: It's the box Jason gave me of Ali's.

Spencer: I still can't see what's inside of it, though.

Caleb: Just give me a second.

[Phone rings]

Emily: It's Hanna.

Caleb: We may be able to get a clear shot if I

[Phone rings]

Aria: Hanna.

[Phone rings]

Juliet: hanna

If I play it out frame-by-frame

[Phone rings]

caleb: Uh, I can maybe blow up the image, but then

[Phone rings]

Spencer: Guess we know who's low man on the totem pole. Yeah, I can't take this anymore. Hey, Hanna.

Hanna: Hey, Spencer. What are you up to?

Spencer: Not much.

Hanna: Oh, well, great. Do you wanna watch a movie? Uh Oh, come on, I'll even watch one of those artsy foreign ones you like, where all they do is stare out windows.
Spencer: I'm sorry, Hanna, I really can't right now. I'm just with my family.

Aria: Emily!

Juliet: You guys, shut up!

Spencer: Sorry, Hanna. I really have to go.

Hanna: Uh, yeah. Yeah, sure. I get it. Say hi to your family for me.

Spencer: You're kidding me.

Aria: I'm sorry,

Emily: she was

Caleb: Hey! Ladies.

Spencer: Is that a driver's license?

Caleb: Yeah.

Emily: Is that Melissa?

Juliet: I don't know. It could be Jenna. It's just kinda hard to tell.

Caleb: Hold on.

Spencer: It's Ali.

Aria: But Ali already had a fake I.D.

Emily: And it definitely wasn't this one.

Spencer: Why would she need an I.D. That didn't even look like her?

[School canteen]

Hanna: So what'd you guys do last night?

Aria: Oh, we studied for a chem test. We went to Spencer's for help.

Spencer: So today is doomsday, huh?

Hanna: Why? Did you see her?

Emily: Han, maybe Kate wants to start fresh.

Hanna: The last time I gave her the benefit of the doubt, I ended up blowing chunks on my chunky heels.

Juliet: ew

Hanna: Oh, my God! Is that her? What? Never mind.

Aria: Hanna, come on, you need to relax.

Hanna: I would be if you guys were doing a better job keeping a lookout.
Juliet: Hanna, I never got a good look at Kate to begin with.

Spencer: The only time I've ever seen her was across a crowded church.

Hanna: What is hanging out under your sweater? Is that a dude's undershirt?

Spencer: Maybe. It's Toby's. You guys, do not look at me like I'm one of those dogs with wheels for legs, okay? Look at Juliet

Juliet: hi I have issues

Spencer: I think we all do. Em, when is your mom coming?

Emily: Tomorrow. I'm really excited.

Kate: Hanna?

Hanna: Kate. Welcome to Rosewood High.

Kate: Thanks. Hi, I'm Kate. We haven't officially met yet.

Aria: Hey, I'm Aria.

Emily: Emily.

Spencer: Spencer.

Juliet: [sarcastic smile] I’m Juliet

Kate: So, I got my schedule, and first period, I have history with Mr. Barocas.

Aria: Oh, yeah, Mr. Barocas. He's easy. Everybody likes him.

Hanna: Um, I can show you where it is. I'm actually in that class, too.

Spencer: Yeah, Kate, um, have we actually met before?

Kate: You're right, we have, at the wedding. It's nice to have met you all. Bye.

[Outside school]

Juliet: Who knows what she needed it for.

Spencer: She was seeing Ian. Maybe they used it to go out together. So maybe Ali found a loophole, a way to fly under "A's" radar.

Aria: What, by being someone else?

Spencer: Yeah, the brunette on the I.D.

Emily:  Ew. I was never his number one fan, but I can't even look at him now that he's with Jenna.

Aria: He's been going through girls in this school like they're Kleenex.

Juliet: he visited me

Emily: why?

Juliet: just to see how I’m doing, after

Spencer: he probably just wanted to get in your pants

Aria: but no on will when you’re wearing what you’ve been wearing lately, no offence

Juliet: that’s the point. Anyways who cares that he's a player?

Spencer: He's "A's" new eyes.

Aria: It's so frustrating. He and Jenna are always just out of reach.
If we could just get close enough to

Spencer: Wait. What if Ali wasn't trying to get away? What if she was trying to get closer?

Emily: What do you mean?

Spencer: By creating an alter-ego so she could get close enough to investigate, maybe even to expose "a"

Hanna: Hey.

Spencer: Hey.

Juliet: Where's the monster?

Hanna: Who?

Aria: Kate.

Hanna: Oh, she's at orientation, and she's being freakishly nice to me.

Spencer: So why do you look like that?

Hanna: Do you think that Caleb still has that video file somewhere? Because "A" thinks he does.

Juliet: What are you talking about?

Hanna: I got a text saying to call off my 'techno-boy-toy."

Spencer: "A" maybe just got their wires crossed.

Aria: Yeah, maybe they're just like a step behind or something.

Hanna: Since when is "a" ever a step behind? Where are you guys going?

Emily: Uh, we have chem.

Aria: Um, we'll talk to you later, okay?

Spencer: Look, Hanna, I know it's not great timing.

Hanna: Where are you going? To hang out with your family?

Spencer: What? Spencer

Hanna: I used to be a member. I know you guys are pissed at me for destroying the flash drive, but you can't just shut me out. I did this to protect Caleb, and I would do it for any one of you if I could.

[School canteen]

Aria: So you moved here from Baltimore?

Kate: Yeah, so I can still go home on weekends and visit my friends.

Emily: That's nice.

Spencer: Do you have any family in Maine, by any chance?

Kate: Nope. No, all in Maryland.

Spencer: Have you ever been to Maine? The northeast harbor area?

Kate: Nope.

Juliet: So, Kate, will you be joining any clubs

Emily: or sports teams?

Kate:Yeah, I was actually thinking

Spencer: Debate!

Kate: Orchestra.

Spencer: Sorry, I thought I must've seen you at a debate. Are you sure that we haven't met before?

Kate: Pretty sure. So I'm gonna head to class early and introduce myself to the teacher. I will see you all soon.

All: Bye.

Hanna: What are you doing? I know her.

Spencer: I know I know her. I just don't know where I know her from.

Hanna: Can you back off? I'm not gonna let her complain to my dad that my friends are giving her the fourth degree.

Spencer: It's the third degree.

Hanna: Whatever. Just stop giving her degrees, okay?

[School hallway]

Juliet: What the hell were you thinking?

Hanna: About what?

Emily: If that's taking the high road, what's the low road?
Spencer: Did you have a stroke? You promised you wouldn't say anything.

Aria: Hanna, why would you do this? You're gonna be in so much trouble.

Hanna: Can one of you guys please tell me what I did? I didn't do this. Where would I have even taken that picture?

Juliet: It looks like it was taken in the girls' locker room.

Hanna: No, I did not send this to you guys.

Aria: Hanna, you didn't just send it to us. You sent it to everybody in your address book.

Aria: If you didn't send this

Spencer: Do we even have to ask?


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