Wednesday, 18 November 2015

PLL Season 4/14 | StoryTime

Season 4 Episode 14 Who's in the Box?

[Spencer’s room]

Hanna: Where has she been hiding all this time?

Aria: I don't know.

Emily: Do you think she's been hiding right here in Rosewood?

Juliet: Why would she be hiding? Why couldn't she just come back?

Aria: I don't know.

Hanna: You keep saying that.

Aria: Because I don't know.

Emily: Okay, what do we know? Somebody tried to kill Ali. They buried her in her back yard.

Aria: Right, and then Grunwald pulled her out.

Hanna: Yeah, like a carrot.

Aria: Well why didn't she just call the cops?

Juliet: Which cops was she supposed to call? Wilden? Garrett?

Hanna: Ali not calling the cops is the only thing I do understand.

Aria: You guys, we just found out that Ali is alive. She's really alive. Why am I not insanely happy?

Emily: Thought it was just me.

Hanna: It's not.

Spencer: Look we can figure out how we feel about this later. The fact is that Ali's alive. Right. And she's been hiding out this whole time. Maybe it was in Rosewood. Maybe it was in Philadelphia. Maybe it was in Nova Scotia. Okay? But the sooner we can make it okay for her to come back, the sooner we can sit her down in a chair and ask her what the hell is going on and why she would do this to us.

Emliy:Ali always liked games.

Aria: What? Like she's been playing with us? Chasing us around the game board

Juliet: Like she was "A"?  

Emily: Tell me you've never thought that yourself.

Hanna: No. That's crazy, isn't it?

Emily: Well, we have to consider every possibility, don't we?

Hanna: Not the ones that make you want to hide in the closet with a quart of ice cream.

Spencer: There's someone Ali is so afraid of she can't come back. Who?

Emliy: Toby said the only thing that Shana was guilty of was selling Jenna's car to Mona.

Aria: And Cece's been busy running from the cops 'cause she killed Wilden.

Hanna: What about Board Shorts?

Juliet: We don't even know if that's a real person.

Spencer: It was a real person who came after me in that house.

[Next morning]

Aria: So Caleb didn't find anything in "A's" apartment when he was in Ravenswood?

Hanna: Nothing. It was completely cleaned out.

Spencer: Guys, I wonder if Ali reached out to anybody besides us.

Juliet: Such as?

Spencer: Such as her brother. Maybe we should be talking to Jason.

Juliet: No. W we all agreed that it was too dangerous to tell anybody. Plus Jason would have told me

Hanna: would he?

Aria: Whoever tried to kill Ali's still around.

Spencer: Okay, but suppose Jason already knows she's still alive. At least then we wouldn't be the only ones in charge of a secret.

Hanna: Okay, I've been thinking, and I have a theory.

Spencer: You have what?

Hanna: A theory. Do you want to hear it or not?

Aria: Guys, don't don't fight in the crypt.

Hanna: Hey, look Ali's not in the box. She's alive somewhere. But somebody is dead. At that somebody must have been buried in the back yard after Ali was pulled out but before the men came to set up the "gaze-boh" - and pour the cement.

Spencer: "Gazebo."

Hanna: Whatever it still means that there's a girl missing somewhere. And that girl went missing around the same time that Ali did. So, we figure out who's really in there and connect them to someone that we do know, then that would solve the whole thing.

Aria: Yeah, but the body that was in the box was identified as Ali. How how did that happen?

Emily: I don't know how, but it was.

Juliet: Yeah, so, why?

Hanna: Because it was important to somebody that we think it was Ali.

Spencer: You're right that's an actual theory.

Hanna: Apology accepted.

Emily: Knock knock.

Hanna: Who's there?


All the girls are getting ready in a room they booked for the wedding

Emily: I can’t believe they are getting married

Spencer: well believe it

Hanna: so does that mean you guys will be related in a few hours?

Spencer: yeah in a twisted way

Aria: after everything its like we need one of us to be happy at least

Emily: yeah

Juliet: knock knock

Hanna: oh my god

Emily: you look amazing

Spencer: like Cinderella

Aria: honestly I think I’m going to cry

Juliet: thanks guys you lot look beautiful

Hailey: hi girl’s – can I speak to my beautiful daughter for a bit

Spencer: yeah sure we’ll be in the next room

Hailey: come on sit down – I am so proud of you, I sometimes I think to myself wow I done a good job. I learn from you more than I ever learnt from my own mother. So here you go

Hailey gives a box to Juliet

Juliet: what is this?

Hailey: open it

Juliet: oh my god

Hailey: it’s something old, it was mine. I wore these shoes for my wedding with your dad

Juliet: mum I can’t

Hailey: no I want you too

Juliet: I love you

Hailey: I love you too

Juliet tries on the shoes

Juliet: fits perfectly

[Another room]

Jason walks in

Jason: hi

Spencer: Jason what are you doing here?

Jason: I wanna speak to Juliet

Hanna: about?

Emily: you can’t see her in her wedding dress

Jason: I know but is there any other way?

Aria: like a call?

Jason: no I actually wanna hear her voice

Spencer: I think I got an idea.


Juliet is in the room leaning on the wall while Jason is apposite that wall leaning against it in the corridor and the door is open.

Jason: you getting cold feet?

Juliet: never, are you?

Jason: no

Juliet: why did you wanna speak to me then?

Jason: cause a day without you is like a year without food, I need it like I need you

Juliet: I’m guessing yesterday was hard for you

Jason: yeah

Jason reached his hand out and Juliet holds his hand

Jason: I promise I’ll never let go

Juliet: I’ll never let go too

[Awhile later]

Scott: you ready?

Juliet: thanks Scott for walking me down the aisle

Scott: I would’ve done it in a heartbeat

Juliet: I’m glad my mum found you

Scott: me too

Juliet: I’ll be down in a minute I just need to be by myself for a bit

Scott: I understand 

Juliet: thanks

Juliet is alone, someone grabs her puts a cloth over her mouth that makes her faint and drags her out of the room

[Wedding Venue]

Hailey: where is she?

Scott: I’ll go and get her

Scott goes upstairs to find her missing then her goes downstairs to tell everyone. Everyone rushes upstairs

Hailey: Juliet?

Hanna: Juliet!

Spencer: Juliet where are you?

Aria: guys look

Emily: her shoe

[Wedding Venue]

Everyone is worried 

Jason: where is she?

Cop: ma’am she hasn’t been missing for that long, maybe she had cold feet?

Hailey: my daughter wouldn’t leave a shoe behind

Cop: but ma’am

Hailey: no you listen my daughter had a psycho after her what if he found out about this wedding and paid someone to take her. I am NOT going to wait 24 hours to look for my little girl

Aria: hi we’ll find her

Spencer: we promise

[Ravenswood room]

Juliet is asleep on a chair tied up. Cece throws water on her face that makes her get up

Juliet: Cece!

Cece: hi friend.

Juliet: why are you doing this?

Cece: because I believe it’s your wedding day and I also believe that your little friend and you chased me around ravenswood which then I had a great big fall

Juliet: what is this pay back?

Cece: if you wanna call it that

Juliet: let go of me

Cece: or what? What you going to do – you know what Juliet, you don’t deserve Jason

Juliet: and you do, he hates you

Cece: yeah I know but he would always come back to me

Juliet: he would never

Cece: yes he would, like you would run back to Noel

Juliet: Noel?

Cece: does Jason know you had sex with Noel in the girl’s shower room – he doesn’t?

Juliet: we weren’t together then

Cece: but he would wanna know – are you hungry cause I am, lets have a date – oh darn I forgot the actual meal

Juliet: let me go Cece

Cece: so what! So then you can marry Jason and take him away from me forever – I think Wilden would wanna see you

Juliet: what?

Cece: I’ll do the same thing I did to him to you

Juliet: stop

Cece: I’ll go and get our dinner, don’t go anyone okay

Cece kisses Juliet on the cheeks and wraps her close on her mouth so she can’t scream

[Wedding venue]

Hanna: what we gonna do?

Spencer: this is ‘A’ handy work

Aria: or Cece’s – think about it she’s getting married to her ex boyfriend

Emily: guys

Hanna: what?

Emily: Look what it says in her shoe

Spencer’s reads: “I had a great big fall now it’s the brides turn”

Aria: Cece took her to ravenswood

Spencer: we need to tell Jason

Hanna: what about Juliet’s mum?

Emily: we can’t what if we are wrong? She’ll never forgive us

Hanna: sure

Aria: yeah

[Ravenswood room]

Juliet rocks her chair; she falls down and lands on her side she takes of the cloth from her mouth by rubbing it against the floor. She rolls herself to the nearest blade and cuts the robe that’s tied behind her


Jason: are you sure she’s here?

Spencer: yes we are

Aria: we need to split up

Jason: fine

Emily: Jason are you sure you wanna go alone?

Jason: its Cece Drake if anyone knows how to handle her then that’s me

Hanna: Jason, get her back home please

Jason: I will, you girls stay together

In the room

Juliet unties herself and makes a run for it she goes outside

Jason: Juliet! Juliet

Juliet: Jason!

Jason: oh my god!

Juliet: its Cece

Jason: I know I know

[Juliet’s room]

Hanna: you gonna be fine?

Juliet: I will be

Aria: you want us to stay over?

Juliet: yes please

Spencer: we will

Emily: so glad you are okay

Juliet: today was meant to be the happiest day of my life

Hailey: girls

Jason walks in

Hailey: how about you girls help me with the dishes

Everyone leaves Juliet and Jason together, Jason closes the door

Juliet: have they found her?

Jason: no – we can get married some other time

Juliet: Jason

Jason: we’ll do it really small this time

Juliet: Jason

Jason: just close family and friends

Juliet: Jason stop! Just stop. We can’t get married because we are not ready

Jason: we or you

Juliet: me – Jason, Cece knew stuff that made me think, that made me question us

Jason: like what?

Juliet: if we were meant to be. Yeah we always get back together but we stay together and that kills me

Jason: but we can make it work, cant we?

Juliet: I don’t think we can – you say your family is toxic but Jason I think that’s me

Jason: you are not

Juliet: it is, its me

Jason: so what does this mean?

Juliet: it means we are over until we know if we can stay together without anyone interfering or ruining us

Jason: yeah okay

Jason storms out while Juliet cries, Aria, Spencer, Hanna and Emily all go to her for comfort

[A while later]

All the girls are talking but Juliet

Juliet: I need to go see him

Hanna: who Jason?

Juliet: yeah I need to I need to see him

Spencer: are you sure it’s a good idea?

Juliet: please someone drive to his – what have done

Aria: yeah come on

Emily: yeah lets go

[Jason’s room]

Juliet walks into Jason’s room

Juliet: Jas – ah wow

Juliet finds Jason drunk

Juliet: this feels like dejavu

Jason: you dumped me remember

Juliet: this is no excuse’s you promised me

Jason: and I broke it, like you said you love me and you broke that too

Juliet: I might be a toxic but so are you

Jason: that’s why we are such a match!

Juliet: to think we nearly got married

Jason: what a mistake that would’ve been

Juliet: you know what you drink yourself to death. I don’t care anymore!

Jason: Juliet! Juliet come back!

Juliet runs out of the house and in to Emily’s car

Juliet: drive just drive!


Spencer: She still changes the sheets on Ali's bed?

Aria: That's a new dimension in awkward.

Spencer: And she wouldn't tell you where Jason was?

Emily: She said he wanted his private time.

Spencer: What's the difference between that and hiding out?

Aria: Well, yeah. What's he got to hide from? Apart from getting all drunken straight after Juliet dumped him. Sorry Juliet

Spencer: Well, that's what I want to ask him.

Emily: Mrs.D. said she could reach him in case of an emergency.

Spencer: Somebody's gotta know where he is.

Juliet: just don’t look at me anymore

Aria: Yeah, but we haven't heard anything since that night at Spencer's.

Emily: From who? "A" or Ali?

Juliet: Take your pick.

Spencer: No, I I'm just saying that Quiet just makes me a little nervous.


Emily: It's weird seeing her talk to Ezra, you know, when we know she's seeing Jake.

Spencer: Well she can't see Jake when he's in Harrisburg.

Hana: Well, if Aria wants to talk about it, she can. But I'm too overstocked on weird.

Spencer: 'Kay. Show us what you got.
Hanna: All right. So they found this girl over in Courtland named Sara Harvey. She went missing the same time Ali did. She's blonde. Same age. Her parents think she ran off with a boy. And her friends set up a tribute site.

Juliet: Why did you pick this girl?

Hanna: Well, I narrowed it down. I mean, she's sort of Ali's size, the timing is right, and it's not too far away.

Spencer: I don't remember Ali ever saying anything about Courtland.

Hanna: Well, she never said anything about Brookhaven or taking flying lessons, either.

Emily: Should we talk to her friends?

Hanna: Oh, already did. I sent them an e-mail.

Spencer: What did you say? "We think your friend is in our friend's grave"?

Hanna: Yeah, Spencer, that's exactly what I said. Duh. No, I just said that we have some things in common and we should talk. It could be like a support group thing.

Spencer: Wow. Yeah. Hanna, you're two-for-two.

Juliet: Who did that?

Spencer: "Ali, Ali, oxen-free?"

Emily: "Whoever finds her gets to keep her"

Hanna: Did we just get dared?

Juliet: Double-dog dared.


Hanna: Okay, so, I talked this girl Tina well, on the computer, and she wants to meet us.

Juliet: Us?

Aria: All of us?

Hanna: Yeah. As many "us" as we can get. I don't wanna do this alone.

Emily: Well, you should have thought about that before you hit "send."

Hanna: Em, what's the matter with you?

Emily: There's nothing the matter with me.

Hanna: Wait Have you forgotten that Ali's alive and she's counting on us to make Rosewood safe for her to come back?

Emily: That's right. Ali's alive. She's been alive the whole time and didn't tell us. She talked to us but she never told us she was alive.

Aria: Hey, you're not the only one who feels like she's been playing "hide and seek" since junior year.

Juliet: Yeah. I mean, sometimes I imagine her wet and scared in a cardboard box by some train tracks. And, other times I see her in a penthouse, dripping diamonds and laughing at us. But we don't know which one's the truth.

Hanna: None of us do. So we have to bring her back.

Spencer: So we still don't know who's in there.

Aria: We just know that it's somebody.

Emily: Somebody's daughter.

Juliet: Somebody's friend.

Spencer: Rest in peace, Jane Doe.

Hanna: Guys

Juliet: Are you okay?

Hanna: No.

Spencer: What is that?

Hanna: It was Ali's. She showed it to me. It's sort of like a diary but more like a journal where she wrote things.

Emily: Where did you find it?

Hanna: I took it from the lair in Ravenswood.

Spencer: Wh what? Why you've had it this whole time?

Juliet: Why didn't you show this to us before?

Hanna: Because of what's in it. Because of what she said about us. All of us.

The dress the girl's wore on Juliet's wedding day

The dress Juliet wore on her wedding day


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