5 Episode 19 Out, Damned Spot
[Rosewood blood drive]
Hanna: Where's your sticker?
Emily: Oh, remember my summer trip to
Haiti? Turns out I can't give blood for another year. What?
Spencer: No blood. No cookie. I didn't
make the rules.
Emily: You're just too lazy to get one.
Hanna: Are you done studying?
Aria: I'll never be done studying for
this test. I just need the numbers to stop spinning.
Juliet: Hey, and the next time we offer to
help your mom, can it please not involve needles?
Ashley: How's it going over here?
Hanna: Great.
Ashley: I'm so glad you all came to the
drive. I recruited a bunch of people from the church and they canceled on me at
the last minute.
Emily: We're happy to help.
Ashley: Juliet you okay?
Juliet: yeah its just blood I’m not going
to donate my organs or anything - Am I?
Ashley: no honey no
Juliet: good
Ashley: Brownie? Oh, someone from the
church actually showed up. I'm gonna go say hello.
Emily: Seriously?
Aria: Mm-hmm. Mike!
Hanna: Okay, what was that about?
Spencer: Was Mike just here to steal
cookies or something else?
[School hallway]
Aria: You ask Mike why he was at the
blood drive. I already know his answer.
Hanna: That he was there to donate?
Aria: No. That I should mind my own
business. And I got that message loud and clear at the dock.
Spencer: Okay, but it is our business. We
all saw where he was standing, right? By the coolers where they keep the blood.
Our blood.
Aria: Really, Spencer?
Spencer: Well, if he's trying to get his
hands on something that could help Alison
Aria: So that's it? He's guilty? God,
the court of public opinion in this town really sucks.
Emily: Everyone just take a breath,
Juliet: Well, it's hard to breathe when
someone's trying to set you up as an accessory to murder.
Spencer: Look, we still don't know why
he was visiting Ali in jail or why he fought with Mona. If they had a serious
falling out
Aria: Just stop. Please. Look, I know
you're all desperate to find out who's helping Alison. But just because it
isn't Holbrook, does not mean that it's my brother. Okay, Mike was in love with
Mona and he would never hurt her. And he would never team up with someone who
Emily: Aria
Aria: No. I can't talk about this right
now. I have a math test.
[Bride clothes shop]
Hailey tries on a dress
Hailey: okay what about this one – Juliet –
hi Juliet!
Juliet: yeah yeah that’s nice
Hailey: what’s up? You have been out of it
since last night – Juliet talk to me, is it Paul?
Juliet: it’s not Paul we are fine - It’s
Hailey: Jason?
Juliet: yeah he erm kinda confessed his
love for me through that glass ball thing in the brew
Hailey: ah romantic
Juliet: mum
Hailey: no ok I'll be serious! This boy tears you
apart all the time
Juliet: so does all the other guys!
Hailey: not Paul
Juliet: oh yeah? You think so? How do you
think I am now? You know what, listening to Jason say all that stuff makes me
feel wanted and happy and I completely forgot about him saying he done
something terrible
Hailey: what was the terrible thing?
Juliet: I don’t know, but I think I will
never love someone as much as I love him, that’s what I’m scared about
Hailey: right now I say follow your heart
Juliet: really?
Hailey: yes! I hate seeing you like this; I
want my happy baby back
Juliet: I love you mum
Hailey: I love you too
Spencer: I'm so sorry,
guys. We got
here as fast as I could.
Juliet: What do we know? Anything?
Emily: We think Mike brought Cyrus
money. $400. We tried to get close, but they almost saw us.
Spencer: And that message that Ali sent
from jail, that was her way of telling Mike Cyrus's new name?
Emily: Yes, so Mike could find him. That's
what we think anyway.
Juliet: So he's here on an errand from Ali?
I mean, is it just me, or is she even scarier behind bars?
Aria: Look, Cyrus, Hank, whoever this
guy is, he's really dangerous and he's talking to my brother. So I I don't care
if Mike is working for Ali. I'm not gonna let him get hurt. So we should just
Spencer: stop. Hey. You cannot do that. Look,
I know that you're really worried about Mike, but as soon as they leave the
diner, we're gonna follow Cyrus and we'll find out where he's going and what he
Emily: If we go in there, we won't know
any more than we know now.
Spencer: Shut it off. Shut it off.
Aria: Okay.
Emily: I told Ezra about Savannah. I
thought he knew.
Aria: Yeah. I should've told him
Juliet: Why didn't you? You guys fighting?
Aria: I don't know what we are,
honestly. I mean, he thinks he's the reason that I didn't have this perfect
high school experience. Is that even a thing? Does anyone have that?
Emily: I don't know.
Spencer: God, Em, I know you must be
missing Paige right now, but at least your love life isn't full-on confusing.
Emily reads text: "Thanks for
donating to my get-into-jail fund. "A"
Aria: What? Guys.
Emily: The envelope. It wasn't money.
Aria: Where's Cyrus? Was he with Mike?
Spencer: I don't know.
Man: So you here to watch the kid or me?
Hmm? 'Cause to be honest, I don't like being followed.
Juliet: ah – actually I thought you were
kinda hot
Man: yeah maybe you can hope on at the back
then – I thought so
Spencer: You have something that belongs
to us.
Man: Do I?
Aria: Yeah. We just want it back.
Man: Maybe we could work out a trade.
Andrew: Back away from them. Now.
Man: Hmmm.
Andrew: You guys okay?
[Spencer’s house]
Aria: We just filled my overnight bag
and ran.
Hanna: Was the car back?
Aria: No. Not yet. Thanks.
Spencer: So glad you're staying here
Emily: It was bad enough when Mike was
stealing Jenna's pottery. Now this?
Juliet: This is our blood.
Aria: Well, what do we do now? We just
wait until "A" paints the town red in our DNA?
Spencer: I don't know.
Hanna: One drop here, one spot there,
and kaboom, we're all sharing a jail cell with Ali.
Spencer: You are, like, the queen of not
Aria: See? There's a reason I'm afraid
of needles.
Hanna: We should've all spent the summer
in Haiti.
Spencer: I'm gonna go get us another
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