Thursday, 12 November 2015

PLL Season 2/23 | StoryTime

Season 2 Episode 23 Eye of the Beholder


Aria: Well, he recognized the coat, but when he saw it first, he thought it was Alison

Hanna: Vivian.

Emily: When we noticed you didn't come back, he was gone.

Juliet: He was cute from the back.

Aria: So was his front, under different circumstances. He's been in Florida for, like, a year.

Spencer: What did you tell him exactly?

Aria: Uh, I told him that I was a friend of Vivian's and that I hadn't seen her since she gave me the coat.

Spencer: - Can I see that number again?

Aria: - Yeah.

Spencer: Thanks. Duncan Albert?

Emily: He said he met her in Brookhaven?

Aria: Yeah, in a bookstore. Couple places down from that creepy doll hospital.

Spencer: Well, whoever Duncan is, he's connected to Alison and what she wanted in Brookhaven.

Emily: How do we know that he wasn't just some guy she flirted with in a bookstore?

Spencer: I don't think Alison wasted Vivian on flirting. When she put that wig on, she wanted something.

Hanna: She was looking for "A".

Juliet: Duncan was part of that trail.

Aria: I'll call him.

Spencer: Aria, you don't have to.

Emily: Any one of us could've been wearing that coat.

Aria: But it was me.

Hanna: She had the operation.

Aria: Spence?

[School hallway]

Mona: It's really old, like six months. But it works pretty good for an antique The number bills to my acccount. Your mom never has to know.

Hanna: Oh. Mona, you are a life saver.

Mona: Well, what's the point of doing something for someone if it doesn't make you look good? I'm already number one on the speed dial. Ciao!

Spencer: If only we could harness Mona's sense of entitlement, we could light the Eastern seaboard.

Hanna: Yeah, well, I don't care. I got a new phone and didn't have to go through Caleb. He's safe in Montecito.

Emily: Did you get through to Duncan yet?

Aria: Yeah, he's coming after school. I'm gonna meet him in the Courtyard.

Juliet: That sounds safe.


Spencer: Duncan saw Ali that weekend?

Hanna: Are we sure we believe him?

Aria: He-he was all torn up when I told him she was dead. He couldn't have been faking that.

Juliet: Em, you okay?

Emily: Sure.

Spencer: Why is Garret in such a hurry?

[Phones ring and beep]

Emily: "Where there's smoke, there's payback, 'A'"

Hanna: Wait, what's going on?

Spencer: I don't know.

Juliet: What are they talking to the fire department about?

Emily: They're talking about that night.

Spencer: The Jenna thing.

Emily: Are you serious?

Aria: What could Toby be telling them?

Spencer: I did such a good job of screwing him up, he might say anything Jenna wants him to say.

Hanna: That we were the ones who blinded Jenna?

Emily: Alison and us.
[School hallway]

Jason: Spencer. Emily.

Spencer: Hey, I'm so sorry that I haven't called you back. My reserves have been really depleted, and—

Jason: This isn't about-- Um, I've got some of Alison's things. I've been through them, but, I'm not really sure what to do with them.

Spencer: What kind of things?

Jason: They're in a bag that was left in the house when we moved out. Your friend Maya said her family found them.

Emily: She said that they packed up some of Ali's things by accident.

Jason: Maya dropped them off at the house.

Emily: Maya did? Did you talk to her?

Jason: The bag was on the porch. And then I saw in the paper Maya was missing. Is that true?

Emily: Yeah.

Spencer: So the bag has Ali's stuff in it?

Jason: Yeah, some of the things from her room. I just thought you guys might wanna have a look. And do you know where Juliet is?

Spencer: maybe she’s at cheer practice

Emily: why?

Jason: cause one of her friends left something at the concealing session

Spencer: why don’t you just talk to the friend?

Jason: erm yeah tried to look for her thought it’d be easy to look for Juliet that’s all

Spencer: oh well she might come by my place so you can talk to her then

Jason: cool

[Spencer’s house]

Jason: Maya said this was in the attic, like it was hidden.

Emily: Have you looked inside?

Jason: Just enough to know it's Alison's.

Aria: - Hey.

Spencer: - Hey.

Aria: Okay, so Duncan just called back and he wants to talk. Is that Alison's bag?

Spencer: Yeah, that's it. Come take a look.

Aria: I can't. I told Duncan I'd go meet him.

Spencer: Where?

Aria: A place called Hallow Acres. He said he used to go there with Alison.

Spencer: Okay, just give us a call as soon as you can.

Aria: I will. Promise. Hey, Em.

Emily: Bye.

Aria: Bye.

Juliet: hi where are you going?

Aria: to meet Duncan, I’ll call you guys

Juliet: okay

Spencer: Jason wanted to see you

Juliet: Jason?

Jason: hi

Jason stares at Juliet

Jason: oh erm Brooke left something of her’s so can you come by tomorrow to pick it up. I think its weird that she comes in once a week so

Juliet: yeah course

Jason: She had that when she was a kid. If there's anything you guys find in here you wanna keep, take it. Should bring the bag back to the house when you're done.

Spencer: Okay.

Jason: If I'm not there, just drop it on the back porch.

Spencer: Thank you, Jason.

Spencer: I thought we'd find something.

Emily: Me too. I don't know why, but I did.

Juliet: It's just stuff.

Spencer: Disconnected stuff.

[Juliet’s bedroom]

Jason: hi your mum let me in before she left

Juliet: nice to know she’s warming up to you but my friends wouldn’t be

Jason: okay I’m sorry ok. You haven’t been answering my calls, I was scared something happened

Juliet: I’m a cheerleader Jason

Jason: I know I love that, but I need to know you’re safe if you aren’t with me. And what’s so bad if your friends found out about us

Juliet: all hell will break loose, you’re ali’s brother

Jason: I know and – I need to talk to you about something

[Phone buzzes]

Juliet: wait hold. Oh my god we need to go come on.

[Outside hospital]

Juliet: erm you go in first & I’ll come later

Jason: yeah okay

Jason & area sitting together at the waiting room

Jason: What was Jenna doing in my house?

Aria: Don't you know?

Jason: No. I was halfway to Scranton then I got a call from the police saying there had been a fire.

Aria: How bad was it?

Juliet see’s Aria & Jason together so she leaves the hospital.

Jason: First floor is pretty much damaged in the back, but I won't really know much else till morning.

Aria: I'm so sorry.

[Spencer’s room]

Emily: There all from that summer.

Spencer: There's gotta be some kind of key.

Hanna: We're the key. Ali said we know more about what happened than we think we do.

Emily: Who tricked Jenna into that house?

Juliet: If it was anybody but Jenna, I think it'd be "A".

Spencer: Juliet where were you?

Juliet: I had to do something at home so sorry

Emily: well you’re here now
Aria: Garrett can't be happy that Toby's back in that house with Jenna.

Emily: She was supposed to die in there, wasn't she?

Aria: That's everything.

Emily: No, it's not.

Spencer: Does anybody recognize this?

Juliet: Is there anything on the back?

Spencer: Yeah, number 1.

Aria: It's just half a postcard.

Emily: How do we find out where it's from?

Spencer: Yeah, where's the other half?

Hanna: Wait, this isn't from July, it's from the end of August. Look.

Juliet: It's-- it's Labor Day events from Philadelphia, Brookhaven and Rosewood.

Emily: When did Duncan say he left Ali at the airfield?

Aria: Before noon on Sunday.

Spencer: Well, is this where she was when we thought she was on that bus?

Aria: Who did she plan on meeting?


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