Monday, 16 November 2015

PLL Season 3/20 | StoryTime

Season 3 Episode 20 Hot Water

[Spencer’s house]

Hanna: How you holding up, em?

Emily: Don't think I'll be taking an elevator any time soon.

Aria: Any word from Jason?

Emily: No. Nothing. Juliet did you get anything from him?

Juliet: no we broke up ages ago

Aria: but you were the last to see him

Juliet: that doesn’t mean I know where he is

Hanna: Okay, so now that the whole N.A.T. Club is out of Rosewood, do you think that "a" will retire?

Spencer: Or just have more time for us.

Hanna: Way to think positive, Spence.

Spencer: I just doubt suddenly everything's gonna be lilacs and daffodils.

Juliet: definitely not

Emily: Guys, let's focus. Cece lied about knowing Wilden, and then we find a picture of both of them with Ali.

Aria: Yeah, a picture that's gone now. New rule. Next time we see anything that might be important to us down the road, it goes in the phone.

Hanna: Okay, so is it possible that Cece is What are we calling her, red coat?

Emily: I never saw a face.

Hanna: Yeah, me neither.

Spencer: What do you think, Spencer?

Emily: Blonde? Red coat? Captain of the "a" team?

Spencer: Maybe it's Cece.

Aria: Pay attention. We need this brain trust firing on all cylinders.

Hanna: What happened tonight with you and Wren?

Spencer: It's nothing. I Mona and I had a moment, and, uh, he saw, that's all.

Aria: A moment that might make her try and cut Emily in half?

Spencer: No. No, you guys, this wasn't Mona. We were in a different county.

Hanna: Well, then who do you think it was?

Emily: We're closed.

Wilden: You're here.

Emily: I have the keys.

Hanna: Yeah, and drinking coffee's not a crime.

Aria: What are you doing here?

Wilden: Looking for you girls.

Hanna: Wait, you were following us?

Wilden: Jason DiLaurentis has been saying some nasty things about me.

Hanna: Like what?

Wilden: Don't play dumb, Hanna. It wouldn't be the first time you made up a story.

Hanna: Well, I don't know what you're talking about. So why don't you just leave us alone.

Wilden: It's just a question. No need to get so defensive.

Hanna: Why don't you ask Cece Drake?

Aria: Hanna.

Hanna: We know about the little boat ride you two took with Alison.

Wilden: It's late.

Emily: We were just leaving.

Wilden: Care for a ride? It's not safe this time of night.

Juliet: We're good.

Wilden: Oh, and Hanna See you around.

[School hallway]

Spencer: hi, please don’t go without talking to me

Juliet: what do you want?

Spencer: I’m sorry

Juliet: you knew how hard it was for me to move on from Jason & when I did you ruin it for me

Spencer: you both are still together

Juliet: his not different, he’ll jump at the chance to see any girl naked cause he already seen me

Spencer: you guys done the.. ?

Juliet: yes, yes we did! And I know what you’re thinking “what a whore”

Spencer: I wasn’t, you just fell for him

Juliet: Listen I’m sorry about you & Toby but we are more important & you ruined that

Spencer: Juliet

Juliet: I need time Spence

[Hanna’s room]

Hanna: Since when do you care what that hose-beast thinks?

Aria: She wasn't wrong, han. Now with Malcolm and Maggie in the picture, everything's gonna be complicated. God, how did this even happen? I mean, I'm actually having a conversation about my boyfriend's son. It's like my relationship went from high school to minivan overnight. And now-now I have to go to his apartment and have dinner with him and act like everything's okay.

Emily: Okay, Aria, take a deep breath.

Juliet: Yeah, you have to give it more than ten minutes. You guys have been through so much.

Aria: I know. Okay, but don't you think it's a little weird that he didn't call? I mean, Wes even thought that was strange.

Hanna: Hold up. His little brother?

Juliet: Aria, is there something that you're not telling us?

Aria: What? No. Okay, yes, fine, maybe I went there for like 2. 5 seconds, but no. No, I just missed Ezra.

Emily: It seems like you're talking to everyone in that family except for the one that matters.


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