Thursday, 12 November 2015

PLL Season 3/02 | StoryTime

Season 3 Episode 2 Blood Is The New Black

[Girls bathroom]

Hanna: Emily-- What's going on?

Spencer: we don’t know

Juliet: Just come on.

Aria: Em, what's the matter?

Spencer: Talk to us.

Hanna: What is that?

Juliet: Are those teeth?

Emily: Please just get rid of it.

Hanna: Are they Alison's?

Emily: My God, I can't breathe.

Aria: It wasn't enough to steal her bones, now we're gonna get pieces of her delivered to us?

Spencer: Guys, there probably aren't even human.

Hanna: They're totally human!

Spencer: How do you know?

Hanna: Because I worked at a dentist's office.

Spencer: For two days, answering phones.

Hanna: Yeah, and there were teeth everywhere. Even the friggin' bathroom key was shaped like a cuspid.

Aria: Guys, real or not, this "A" is working overtime to frame us.
First the call to Emily from Spencer's phone, then the cemetery photo, and now—

Emily: It's all my fault.

Juliet: Em, stop.

Emily: No. That whole night is like a black hole. I still can't figure out how I got to Ali's grave.

Aria: We need to give this to the police.

Spencer: We can't. We already lied to them about the lake house.

Aria: Yeah. That was a huge mistake. We keep digging ourselves in deeper. Burning those photos was one thing-- These are teeth. Okay? We should at least tell our parents.

Spencer: Tell them what? We have no idea what this "A" knows. Are you ready to explain every lie we've ever told since Ali died?

Emily: You don't have to protect me, okay? I can take the blame for all of this.

Aria: Emily, stop.

Juliet: You're not in this by yourself.

Hanna: But if you could remember something else from that black hole besides an old car, that'd be nice.

Aria: Hanna.

Hanna: I'm just saying, it'd be helpful.

Emily: Can we please just get rid of that?

Aria: We can't toss this. This is evidence.

Spencer: I'll put it in my locker until we figure out what to do.

Hanna: Like your locker is safe from "A"?

Aria: Just give it to me.

Hanna: I'll put it in my purse—

Aria: Hanna.

Spencer: I will get it.

Juliet: No, wait! You can't just dive in there. These things have sensors.

Spencer: Excuse me?

Juliet: You just have to be really careful.

Spencer: Well, if you would like to.

Juliet: No.

[School canteen]

Spencer: I can't believe we've lost it.

Hanna: It wasn't like we were gonna hand it over to the cops.

Aria: I wanted to. We could have found out who sent it to us. There were fingerprints on that necklace.

Emily: Yeah, mine.

Spencer: Hanna, you have to go back to Radley.

Hanna: What?

Spencer: You need to make Mona talk.

Juliet: Spencer's right. Mona has never been working alone, and she's probably still giving people orders.

Emily: Find out who else has seen her.

Hanna: You guys just ripped me a new one last week for visiting her. Now you want me to go back there with cupcakes?

Juliet: If we want answers, focusing on Garrett.

Spencer: I will go back to Garrett, if you will work on Mona. Will you go today? After school?

Emily: Has anyone spoken to her since school started?

Spencer: No. I still think it's really shady that she didn't get back from Music Camp until the first day of school.

Aria: It's no shadier than Lucas strolling around on Saturday at four in the morning.

Juliet: Well, maybe that's their witching house.

Emily: So now we think they're definitely connected? Jenna and Lucas?

Aria: Em, you saw them talking to that Black Swan person at the masquerade party. Mona could have an entire outfield playing for her. Is it just me or is she blinder than she was last year?

[School hallway]

Emily: Your mom thinks I'm a basket case.

Aria: My mom loves you, em. She knows everything that you've been through.

Emily: Can she spread the love around the faculty lounge? I have to take four make-up exams or they're gonna make me repeat eleventh grade.

Spencer: They can't hold you back.

Emily: Yes, they can. I was absent all of April.

Juliet: You're gonna get through this.

Emily: Maybe.

Spencer: You just need a study partner. A tutor.

Aria: Wait! Why don't you just call Ezra? If your first make-up test is an English he could be your tutor.

Juliet: awkward.

Aria: No, it's not.

Emily: Aria, I can't think of him as "Mr.Fitz" anymore. Okay? I've seen his underwear drawer.

Aria: Those were his socks.

Spencer: Why would his socks have a flap in the middle?

Aria: I'm texting you his number.

Emily: Aria, I don't—

Aria: He's not teaching right now, and it's killing him. You'd be helping each other out.

Emily: Who is that?

Aria: Meredith.

Spencer: Wait. That's your dad's Meredith?

Juliet: That's the skank you and Ali caught lip-locking in the car?

Aria: If my mom sees her here

Emily: What's she doing here?

Aria: Excuse me. Are you looking for someone?

Meredith: Hello, Aria. I forgot you were still a student here.

Aria: Yeah, I am. What are you doing here?

Meredith: I'm applying for an open teaching position. Oh, don't worry, hon. I won't put you down as a reference.

[Girl’s changing room]

Juliet leaves a voice mail: hi Jason, I don’t know what you’re doing shutting me out but please let me in. call me. I love you

[School hallway next day]

Emily: It was weird, but we got past it.

Hanna: So you're calling him "Ezra," or "Mr. Fitz"?

Emily: Neither. It's a lot easier not to call him anything.

Juliet: Oh. That's what your dad does, right, Aria?

Aria: Just about. This whole "don't ask, don't tell" thing is not working.

Emily: I did that with my mom forever. But she finally came around.
By the time I brought Tamara over, they were bonding over arts and crafts.

Aria: I don't think my dad is gonna be scrapbookin' with Ezra anytime soon.

Hanna: What's that?

Spencer: Is that yours?

Emily: What's going on? Whose is that?

Aria: How come you never told us about that?

Aria: Why would I? I felt like complete crap by the time I got home, and I made Alison promise to never tell a soul.

Hanna: So why is it in your locker? You've been hiding it this whole time?

Aria: No. No. It's just that you guys. Don't you remember when Ali's mom called us before her funeral and she asked all of us if we each wanted to put something. A keepsake in her casket?

Hanna: And that's what you put in there?

Spencer: So real teeth or not, that was definitely stolen from Ali's grave.

[Girl’s bathroom]

Aria: That's all she said?

Emily: Isn't that enough? No.

Spencer: That is not enough.

Juliet: then what is?

Spencer: You have to go back to Radley, Han. Alone.

Hanna: It's not so easy. Caleb is all over me.

Spencer: I don't need to know that.

Aria: Well, Caleb's not finding dug-up jewelry in his locker. Whose earring did Ali find in my dad's couch?

Juliet: One question at a time.

Hanna: You're not gonna ask your mom why she's suddenly defending Garrett? I mean, seriously, Spencer, what is that?

Emily: He probably told her it's time to lock Jenna up. She was driving that night, guys. I remembered. Clearly.

Aria: We believe you, okay? But honestly, I don't think that you remember anything clearly from that night. When we picked you up you kept calling me "Arlene."

Emily: Guys, she can see. She's probably on Mona's payroll.

Hanna: Mona does not have any cash. They won't even let her have floss.

Spencer: Okay, let's just do this at lunch. I can't be late again. Jenna's coming in here. Where's the earring?

Aria: What?

Spencer: Give me the earring. I have an idea.

Juliet: What are we doing?

Hanna: Do I get to slap her again?

Spencer: No! Okay, get in the stalls. Go! Go!

Hanna: okay that’s it, I'm going for way more than a slap.

Spencer: Hanna, stop.
Hanna: Stop why?!

Aria: Don't look at me. I'm ready to hang a sign-- "Bitch can see."

Juliet: I’m up for getting teeth

Spencer: She doesn't know that we know.

Emily: She will in a minute.

Spencer: No. We don't let her know that we know. Not yet. We can use this and we will.


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