Monday, 23 November 2015

PLL Season 5/20 | StoryTime

Season 5 Episode 20 Pretty Isn't the Point

[Aria’s house]

Juliet: What? Did you find something?

Aria: Yeah. My brother's got jock itch. Ew. Wish I didn't know that.

Hanna: What's with all this new gym equipment?

Aria: I don't know. He's obsessed.

Hanna: It's nice. How much did he pay for this?

Emily: Hanna? We're not shopping here.

Hanna: Okay, it's just a question. I mean, I want to know why Mike's all of a sudden training to become a ninja.

Spencer: Maybe because he's running errands for a blonde spider in cellblock H.

Aria: Okay, guys, just stop. This feels wrong.

Hanna: No, what's wrong is Mike stealing our stem cells and handing them over to Ali's "A" -team.

Aria: Hanna, we don't know what was in that envelope he gave Cyrus. It could've been cash.

Spencer: Right. So maybe he's hiding our DNA in here until he gets further instructions.

Juliet: Has anybody checked that mini-fridge yet?

Emily: What about the gym bag?

Aria: No, I got it.

Hanna: If your brother did send that bloody "A" text, then we should be doing more than turning his room inside out. We should be setting fire to

Aria: Guys.

Juliet: Did you find that in here?

Aria: It was under a really disgusting gym sock.

Spencer: Wait.

Emily: He just bought this last Friday.

Hanna: Who is it for? And when did your brother acquire taste?

Aria: Why does Mike have that?

Juliet: Maybe he ordered it for Mona and it just got in.

Hanna: Maybe it's a Mother's Day gift.

Spencer: I don't think he's telling his mom. "I'm with you. " These aren't just beads. It's a message, in Morse code. I've seen these advertised online. The beads, they spell out words.

Aria: "I'm with you?" With who?

Spencer: That necklace is probably for Alison. That's who Mike's with.

[Cheerleaders practicing]

Rachel: Ok Theresa, terrible posture. Pinch that penny. Brooke, you need' a breath mint. Peyton. Nice form. And excellent betrayal of a best friend. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. You guys! This is the Classic. It's our biggest cheer competition. Aren't you sick of Claire Young and Bear Creek Warriors taking home the trophy every year? Because I am. We need to get it together here and I'm not just talking about our routine. I'm talking hair, nails' underarms, Theresa.

Juliet: Rachel, cheerleading is supposed to be fun.

Rachel: Yeah? Well winning's funner. And if you don't like it you can go cheer for the wrestling team. Take five.

Juliet: Okay, you know what? You hate me, I get it. Fine. Just don't take it out on our squad.

Rachel: Everything is not about you, Juliet. Did you ever think that maybe I'm being a psycho-hose-beast because I want us to do well this competition? Those judges are not going to be as they use to be when you ruled the squad. Break's over, girls.

Brooke: You said five minutes.

Rachel: Yeah well cry me a river. Let's go.

A while later

Coach: I don't care how important this tournament is, people trump pom-poms. We can't fit all that crap on the bus.

Rachel: Fine! You be responsible for ten very pissed off cheerleaders.

Noel: Coach, if we're short on room I can drive.

Coach: No, no, no, forget it.

Noel: Why not? I can fit all that crap in my trunk.

Coach: Alright. But you stay right behind the bus.

Rachel: Thanks.


Juliet: So which bed do you want? The window or the door?

Rachel: Whatever.

Juliet: Rachel, can we just make the best of this?

Rachel: Fine. Call it a cheer truce.

Juliet: why do we need that?

Rachel: because I am on team Ali

Juliet: oh yeah she recruited you new to replace me

Rachel: ugh

A while later

Rachel: Guess who's in the lobby, I'll tell you. Claire Young and her little hoe posy. We are going down there.

Juliet: Okay. And if an angry dance-off breaks out I got your back.

Rachel: Great. Theresa, I want you to hit those pits and cover that zit. Points off for complexion. Let's go.

[The Lobby]

Rachel: Hi, Claire. We just wanted to wish you good luck this competition.

Claire: Um, we've won four years in a row.

Juliet: actually you won twice in a row and it was 4 years ago

Claire’s cheerleader: but Claire got the best choreography.

Claire: Yeah so maybe you should keep your luck for yourself. By the way. Who are you again?

Rachel: You know who I am. Rachel Davis. Now Captain of the Rosewood Sharks.

Claire: Right, right. But last time you were the captain good luck winning I mean loosing - they say that changing captains can alter the points. But who cares. See ya.

Rachel: Oh it is so on. I cannot believe the nerve of that little third rate Britney trying to pretend like she doesn't recognize me.

Juliet: Are you still obsessing over this? You made out with her boyfriend at camp.

Rachel: I didn't know they were dating

Juliet: yeah unlike some people.

Rachel: And besides he was a yell leader, he was gay anyway. Theresa I thought I told you to lay off the chocolate. It's a really good thing I have an acne medicine.

Juliet: Rachel this isn't acne.

Brooke: It's chicken pox.

Theresa: Karen called my parents. I'm out. Thank God.

Rachel: Okay, could this get any worse?

Juliet: Rach, it's okay. We'll rework the routine.

Rachel: It's perfectly crafted for ten girls.

Juliet: Okay, so we'll find a replacement.

Rachel: Great idea, genius. Who are we going to ask?

Juliet: well I know someone

Rachel: do you?

Juliet: well I can find one, trust me I am not easy to say no to

Rachel: yeah that’s why your bed buddies are a strong 50

Juliet: Insult me one more time

Brooke: girls! Juliet just go find someone please

[Hotel room]

Juliet: Hey. Kim said she'd fill in for Theresa. Told you I’d find someone

Kim: I make no apologies for my lack of coordination, it's genetic.

Rachel: It's impossible.

Juliet: Rachel, you're a captain. We can still do it. You just need to get off your ass and stop pouting.

Rachel: We'd have to practice all night.

Juliet: and when did you start going by the rules

Rachel: Okay. I'm going to get the rest of the girls. We're going to need coffee, black, sleep is our enemy. And we're going to need to do something about that hair.

Juliet: Let's go.


Girl’s practicing

Rachel: No, no, no. New girl. It's feet together, apart, then clap.

Kim: Okay, I'm really trying.

Rachel: Try harder cause we're on in 12 hours.

Claire: Aw, cute routine, girls. Too bad those moves are so '03. Where'd you find your choreographer anyway? In the yellow pages? Under 'S' for Sucks?

Rachel: No, actually that's where I found your boyfriend.

Claire: Oh, you know if I were you, I'd get some beauty sleep. I think it's the only thing that's going to help.

Juliet: If I were you, I'd step back from my friend.

Claire: Whatever.

Boy: Actually it's good. I've seen it.

Rachel: How good?

Boy: Lots of spins. Some tumbles.

Rachel: Okay, no, give me information I can use. What are the moves exactly? First they do this.

Rachel: That is good. Do you want to replace new girl?

Boy: No, thanks. Oh and by the way, three other team are using Junior-Senior.

Rachel: Okay. Okay, it's time for plan B, we're going to find Claire Young's room and pull a Tonya Harding. We're just going to hit her in the knee with a big stick. I can’t believe I’m saying this – Juliet you're a better choreographer than Claire has ever been. Okay? We still have time to win it, just teach us some new moves.

Juliet: Well what about our song?

Rachel: You handle the moves. Let me take care of the song, I’ve always been good at music.

A while later

Juliet: Okay. Brooke, I want you to go into a high kick. Kim, I want you to do a diagonal.

Kim: What's a diagonal? Thank you.

Rachel: Alright, alright. Ripped and burned. It's a remix. Trust me, nobody else is going to have this.

Juliet: This better be good.

Rachel: You're welcome. We get this right to the music, I'll spring for escorts, guys.

[Hot tub]

Payton: How'd you get him to open the hot tub?

Juliet: I sweet talked the night manager. I figured you guys could use it after reworking our entire routine tonight. Feels good doesn't it.

Brooke: Yep. This is great.

Kim: Ta Da.

Rachel: New Girl you look bitchin'.

Kim: Yeah I kind of do, don't I?

Juliet: Now get your suit. Hot tub therapy.

[Cheer competition]

Man: Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the Secret Sparkle Classic.
First up, The Bear Creek Warriors.

The Bear Greek Warriors: Champions to beat let's hear it. Better than the Sharks. You'll see.

Man: Bear Creek Warriors. Led by captain Claire Young.

Rachel: Okay. I want you guys to think about Theresa. Lying at home, itchy, and gross and covered in calamine lotion. The last thing she said to me was, 'This Sucks'. And this will suck unless we win.

Man: Next up at this year's Sparkle Classic by Secret, the Rosewood Sharks.

Rachel: Juliet. I just want to say thanks, for your help with Kim and the new routine.

Juliet: hi its our time isn’t it; I’m just the co captain doing my part

Rachel: and I’m not team Ali, she was actually a bitch to me

Juliet: Come on.

The Rosewood High Sharks: Let's Go! The one, and only. Blue, black and white. The best of the best. That's right.

A while later

Man: And second place this year goes to the New Hanover Wild Cats. And first place in this years Sparkle Classic by Secret goes to' The Rosewood High Sharks. And our final award of the competition, for best original choreography, goes to' Juliet James. Captain and Choreographer of the Rosewood High Sharks.

Brooke: That's you!

Juliet: come with me Rachel come!

Rachel: Thank you.


Juliet: Think Claire Young is still in shock?

Rachel: Look, Juliet, it was really fun to get caught up in the competition and forget about all the crap between us.

Juliet: Yeah, it was.

Rachel: But it doesn't change how everything is

Juliet: what do you mean?

Rachel: Alison she’s dangerous and she was your friend, I was going to be in that click but we had a chance to walk away from her. I just wanna be safe – bye

[Spencer’s house]

Juliet: So that necklace was for Mona?

Aria: Mike was holding onto any grain of hope, but not anymore.
He realizes she's really dead.

Hanna: I guess your brother didn't realize how vicious "A" can be.

Spencer: I can't believe your brother knows about "A" at all.

Emily: If Mona told Mike, she must've really trusted him.

Aria: More than I did.

Emily: So what now? Do we tell Alison?

Spencer: How can we? We've destroyed a lot of evidence that could've proved that she was innocent.

Aria: And basically made a barricade so the police had to throw her behind bars.

Hanna: Well, are we gonna say anything before her trial?

Juliet: We have to. We accused her of being "A". To her face.

Aria: How do we take that back?


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