Thursday, 12 November 2015

PLL Season 3/05 | StoryTime

Season 3 Episode 5 That Girl is Poison


Emily: I thought Hanna was joining us for dinner.

Spencer: Hanna hasn't eaten since Tuesday.

Juliet: Should we grab a pizza and go over there?

Spencer: No unless the topping is Caleb.

Aria: If you guys want to to see her, can you just go without me? I already feel bad enough that I convinced her to tell Caleb.

Emily: With or without you she was backed into a corner.

Spencer: This "A" does not feel like a high school girl playing games.

Aria: Well, if you figure out those rules, can you tell the rest of us?

Juliet: You know what? I'm not really hungry.

Aria: Me either. My stomach's in a knot.

Spencer: So's my neck. I haven't been able to brush the back of my head in, like, a year and a half.

Aria: Spence, don't let en freak you out. If the police really knew that we were lying about the lake house

Emily: not just the lake house. What about the negatives of that picture, Ali's missing body, all the things we buried with her any of that could get us arrested.

Spencer: It's my neck again.

Aria: Are they going to Jenna's?

Emily: Garrett's.

Aria: Well, who else lives in his house besides his parents?

Emily: I don't think they've been outside since he was arrested.

Spencer: Having a son in jail for two murders might keep you indoors.

Emily: That's his mom. That's Mrs. Reynolds.

Juliet: You guys.

Spencer: What? What is it?

Aria: What?

Emily: What?

Juliet: Over there. There was a hoodie watching.

Spencer: What are you saying?

Emily: You think "A" was out here watching us?

Aria: Are you sure?

Emily: Why would "A" care about Garrett's mother?

Spencer: Maybe "A" wanted her out of the house.

[Spencer’s house]

Hanna: Well, where is my invitation? I want to at least see it.

Juliet: Are you coming from yoga?

Hanna: No, home.

Spencer: Why are you dressed like that?

Hanna: Because, Spencer, I'm too depressed to work a zipper, all right? Get over it. Who's she talking to?

Spencer: Emily, who apparently has to work Jenna's party.

Hanna: Seriously? Well, I can beat that. I have to spend my Saturday night sorting out velour track suits at church.

Spencer: Why?

Hanna: My mom found out that I cut school, and now she signed me up for a triple shift. If you thought I was depressed before It gets weirder.

Aria: What's up? Hey, han, how are you feeling? I don't think I've seen you in sweats

Spencer: she can't work a zipper. Just move on. What did Emily say?

Aria: So, Paige is invited to the party too, and now Laurel tuchman is shooting it.

Hanna: Laura tucks-what?

Aria: Laurel. Tuchman. The photographer that I took a class from last summer.

Spencer: Go on.

Aria: Well, Emily may have overheard why Lucas was banging on that door. Laurel fired her assistant because he was using the studio to develop his own prints.

Juliet: And now he wants the negatives.

Hanna: Where are you going with this?

Spencer: To an open grave that he took pictures of.

Hanna: And you think Lucas dug it up by himself? The kid can barely lift his chemistry book.

Aria: Well, he's tall enough to reach the pedals on a backhoe.

Hanna: Let's just stay with Jenna, all right? That's who Emily remembers driving that car that night. Why can't she be it?

Spencer: They can all be it.

Aria: Spencer's right. Why is Garrett being released the same night of Jenna's party?

Spencer: Exactly. What is the purpose of this party? Is it really to celebrate Jenna's birthday, or is it just to get us all in the same room so she can drop a vat of pig blood on us?

Hanna: She's not dropping anything on me. I won't be there. No one will. Who wants to go to that stupid party anyways?

Aria: Me.

[Juliet’s room]

Emily: hi we’re all here what’s up?

Juliet: before you all go & do you ‘A’ mission you all need to know something

Spencer: what?

Hanna: you’re scaring us

Aria: hi you can tell us

Juliet: during summer I wasn’t in cheer camp

Hanna: where were you?

Juliet: I was with Jason

Spencer: what why?

Juliet: cause we kind of were a thing

Aria: what you & Jason?

Juliet: yeah & we were not speaking when you kissed him

Aria: oh my god I am sorry

Emily: why didn’t you tell us?

Spencer: wait is that why you slept with that teacher, was ‘A’ threatening you that he’d tell us about you & Jason if you didn’t sleep with him?

Hanna: Juliet!

Juliet: honestly thought I was sleeping with the enemy, I couldn’t let him go

Emily: you love danger

Hanna: yeah Jason got the bad boy lock down on key

Spencer: you said ‘kind of’ does that mean its okay?

Juliet: I don’t know

Spencer: wait did you know about

Juliet: no I didn’t about him being your half brother

Aria: when did you both get together?

Juliet: well remember when Ali’s was going through his stuff, I went to his room that night

[Flash back]

Jason’s room, Juliet knocks

Jason: what do you want?

Juliet: I just wanted to see if you’re okay, erm I would have hate it if someone went through my stuff with me there

Jason: wanna come in?

Juliet: erm yeah sure

[Flash back ends]

Juliet: we talked, we connected & we made out a little

Hanna: a little

Juliet: a lot actually

Spencer: now what’s going on between you two?

Juliet: now his not letting me in, his not even talking to me and I don’t know what I’ve done

Aria: oh Juliet

Emily: everything

Juliet: I really don’t think it will

Juliet sobs while the girls all go to hug her.


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