Thursday, 19 November 2015

PLL Season 4/20 | StoryTime

Season 4 Episode 20 Free Fall

[Girl’s toilet]

Spencer: Hey.

Emily: Hey.

Hanna: Hey.

Juliet: What are you wearing?

Spencer: It's nothing, I I had to change. And this is all I had in my gym locker.

Emily: Did you? Did you have an accident?

Spencer: What? No.

Hanna: Or are you going to? What's up with those shower shoes?

Spencer: Can you just forget about the outfit, okay. We have an emergency situation here.

Emily: Is that why you called me at 4 A.M.?

Juliet: yeah me too

Hanna: Wait, what? Okay, I thought that after we saw Aria liplocking with the devil went home to calm down and crash.

Spencer: I I must've just hit dial while I was asleep. Look, okay, I know we said we were going to talk to Aria after school, but I really think we need to tell her about Ezra sooner. Like, now.

Emily: What? Spencer, we can't tell her now.

Spencer: The longer we wait, the more dangerous it becomes.

Juliet: And you think it's any less dangerous to drop a bomb like that while she's going into class?

Emily: We can't do that to her.

Spencer: Do what? Protect her? Ezra spoke to me this morning and I could barely maintain eye contact. Meanwhile, for all we know right now, Aria is hooking up with him in some janitor's closet. How does that not make your skin crawl?

Emily: It does. Look, I know you don't want to keep her in the dark. Okay, but this isn't going to be easy. She's in love with him and she has given up a lot to be with him. I mean, it's going to be difficult enough for her to believe he's even capable of this.

[School lunch]

Hanna: Are you gonna eat that?

Emily: Yeah, I told you that like five seconds ago. Just take it.

Hanna: Thank you. Sorry. I just get I just get extra hungry when I'm nervous.

Juliet: I thought it was sad.

Hanna: I get sad when I'm nervous. Look, I've been avoiding Aria all day.

Emily: Like we haven't. I finished my Spanish homework in a toilet stall.

Hanna: Are you sure this a good idea? I mean, what if we tell Aria, Ezra's "A" and then she hates us?

Juliet: What choice do we have except to prepare for things to get ugly?

Aria: Finally. Is there some cellular dead-zone that you can know about in the school?

Emily: What do you mean?

Aria: Well, I've texted you guys like five times. Whatever, where's Spencer?

Emily: I haven't seen her.

Aria: Okay. Well, we need to find her and talk to her right now.

Juliet: What about?

Aria: Right, I think we all know that Spencer's been a little extra-intense lately. And I'd just chalked it up to stress, but she's not distressed. She's strung out. You guys, Spencer has a serious problem. All right, and this isn't the first time that has happened. Two years ago it was enough of an issue that her parents had to ask the school for help. Look.

[Spencer’s house]

Spencer: Okay. Two diets and two regular, right? Oh my God. You guys did it already, didn't you?

Aria: Did what?

Hanna: Nothing.

Juliet: We're not here to talk about that.

Emily: We're here to talk about something else.

Aria: Spence, we're concerned.

Spencer: Yeah, I know. We're concerned.

Emily: No, we're worried about you.

Spencer: Me? Why?

Hanna: Are you a speed freak?

Juliet: Hanna.
Hanna: Spencer. Have you been taking pills to stay awake?

Spencer: Where is this coming from? What the hell is happening right now?

Juliet: We care about you.

Aria: Yeah, would you and that's why we're here. Right, this is kind of like an intervention.

Spencer: Yeah, I know. Yours.

Juliet: Spencer, stop.

Hanna: We know this has been problem for you before.

Spencer: I don't know what you guys are talking about. Where'd you get this?

Aria: Ezra. He's worried about you.

Spencer: You're kidding me, right? And you three didn't tell her? He's "A," Aria! Ezra is Board Shorts. He tried to kill Ali and he's been torturing us ever since.

Emily: Spencer, can we please stick to the subject of you for right now.

Spencer: How can you not see what's happening right now. He's trying to undermine me. He's being "A"! Please tell me you see what's happening here.

Aria: Ezra said that he found you passed out in school today. That you were barefoot, you were in your pajamas, and you didn't even know where you were. Spencer, is that true or is it not true?

Juliet: Spencer? Talk.

Spencer: Yes. Okay. I slept walked.

Hanna: To school?

Spencer: Yes. And I've taken a couple of pills a few times. And it's not great, I know, but it's not that big of a deal. And Ezra is just trying to make it into a bigger deal than it is because he's trying to get the focus off himself because he's freaking "A"! Oh, my God.
This is brilliant.

Aria: All right, I know that you're feeling cornered.

Spencer: Oh, God, Aria. Will you wake up? This is exactly the kind of deer in the headlights behavior that almost got you shot in the back of a night club.

Juliet: What night club?

Spencer: I mean I am Okay, I'm confused, but the point is that I'm not crazy, okay. You just don't see. How can you guys not see what's happening. I can't deal with this right now.

Aria: Wren?
Hanna: He's your hook-up?

Emily: Why did you just swipe the pad?

Spencer: It's not mine. I've never even seen that before.

[Hanna’s house]

Hanna: So did Aria text you?

Emily: Yeah. She said she's staying in.

Juliet: Can we believe her?

Emily: Why? You think she's going to go see Ezra?

Hanna: Spencer may have an addiction, but so does Aria. Love is a drug too. And who says Ezra doesn't put Aria in a what do you call it?

Emily: Altered state.

Hanna: Yeah, exactly.

Juliet: I think Aria kept her habit a secret, too.

Hanna: It's a classic druggie move.

Emily: So what are you saying? You still think that Ezra is "A"?

Hanna: There's too much evidence against him. We found the Book of Revelations in his desk.

Emily: Yeah, but what if that was a plan from the real "A", trying to make Fitz look guilty. "A's" does that.

Spencer: Can I come in? Please. That's all of them. I don't need them anymore.

Hanna: Are you sure?

Spencer: Yeah. Look, I know that my credibility with you guys kind of got decimated today, but Ezra is "A". I'm sure of it.

Emily: Maybe you are. But we're not.

Spencer: I know that. And all I'm asking is for the chance to prove it to you. I've been studying all the changes. And I think "A" is trying to cover up the place where he used to meet Ali.

Juliet: The Hart and Huntsman?

Spencer: No. Somewhere else. A place where they can meet and not be seen. See this?

Emily: "Still thinking of Ambrose Pearson."

Spencer: Right, but that's not what it used to say. Originally it said "still thinking of Ambrose Pavilion." "A" changed it so that would sound more like a person's name so that instead of looking for a location, we'd be searching for a guy.
Hanna: Yeah, some weirdo named Ambrose.

Spencer: Right. So Ambrose Pavilion is in Norristown Zoo.

Emily: So how does that prove that Ezra is "A"?

Spencer: It doesn't. But "A" already knows that Ali's still alive. And "A" knows that she never got that money in the coffee bag that she needed from Shana. So all we have to do is convince him that Ali's going to meet us at Ambrose Pavilion to get it.

Juliet: And you think the person showing up will be Ezra.

[Spencer’s car]

Spencer: Nice

Juliet: I think he's listening.

Hanna: Oh, he's definitely listening

Spencer: Okay. Now say something like. "I know she needs some money, but it's too dangerous."

Hanna: Tell her to get closer to this mush fries. Just in case he can hear.

Spencer: Just mention the location

[Juliet’s house]

Juliet is heading out. She opens the door to find Paul there

Juliet: Paul!

Paul: hi I managed to get off work early; I thought maybe we could hang out?

Juliet: I was just heading out

Paul: oh

Juliet: but I’ll go later, come in

[A while later]

Paul and Juliet are sitting on the sofa then Hailey walks in

Juliet: hi mum – mum this is Paul, Paul my mum

Hailey: oh hi

Paul: its nice meeting you I heard a lot about you

Hailey: me too

Paul: I need to get off; I forgot to do something at work

Juliet: okay

Paul: I’ll see you later?

Juliet: yeah okay

Paul: bye

Juliet: bye – that was strange

Hailey: yeah

Juliet: mum now you’re acting weird – do you know Paul

Hailey: nope

Juliet: I know when you’re lying

Hailey: okay fine, his father cheated on his mother – with me

Juliet: mum!

Hailey: and he hated me ever since – we like danger

Juliet: no mum you like it – I’m just trying to get away from it

Hailey: has he told you everything about him?

Juliet: what do you mean?

Hailey: his father is a billionaire

Juliet: what!

Hailey: yeah I knew he never told you or else you wouldn’t be meeting up here, he’d rather meet up somewhere fancy – that’s how his father liked it – he hasn’t told you the whole truth about him Juliet just be careful and be careful to who you give your heart to


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