Tuesday, 24 November 2015

PLL Season 6/04 | StoryTime

Season 6 Episode 4 Don't Look Now

[Alison’s room]

Hanna: So what'd your dad say when you showed him the picture?

Aria: Did he admit Charles was the boy next to Jason?

Spencer: Guys, give her a minute.

Alison: Charles is my brother.

Emily: Then, why hasn't he been living with your family this whole time?

Juliet: I'm so sorry, Ali.

Hanna: Oh, God.

Spencer: All roads lead back to Radley.

Aria: I don't get it. Why wouldn't your parents tell you about him? Why keep him a secret?

Juliet: How is your father so sure?

Alison: Because Charles is dead. He killed himself when he was 16. He never left Radley.

Spencer: How did he do it?

Alison: He took pills.

Emily: Where did they bury him?

Alison: My dad was out of the country when it happened. So my mom had him cremated.

Hanna: He's lying.

Aria: How can you be so sure?

Hanna: No body, no grave, no proof.

Alison: He's not lying, Hanna. He would never protect someone who's tryin' to hurt us.

Hanna: Two days ago, he said there was no Charles DiLaurentis in your family. Why believe him now?

Alison: He didn't wanna tell me about Charles because he was ashamed of what he did. To him, to my family.

Spencer: Look, A responds to the name Charles and clearly that home movie means a lot to him. So that's enough reason for us to believe that your brother might still be alive. If we wanna rule him out, we just have to find proof of his death.

Juliet: How do we do that?

Hanna: We go to Radley. Someone who works there has to know what happened to Charles.

Aria: We can't go to Radley.

Hanna: Why not?

Aria: It closed down. Remember?

[Spencer’s house]

Hanna: So if Charles died in Radley it would say it in his patient file?

Emily: Yeah. What if he was released?

Spencer: It would be noted there too.

Aria: So if we get that file, we get the truth.

Juliet: Assuming it still exists, it could be confetti by now.

Emily: Well, we have to find out one way or another.

Spencer: I looked up the data center. It's 20 minutes from here.

Aria: We can't just walk in there and ask for it.

Spencer: No, but I can ask for mine and then we'll know if they've been shredded.

Juliet: What if they haven't?

Spencer: Then we'll check out the place, see how secure it is and figure out what to do next.

Hanna: Caleb can drive us

Emily: No, you can't tell Caleb what we're doing. Charles had a knife to Sara's throat, remember?

Hanna: I can't not to tell him. Em, he's barely left my side ever since he found out Andrew isn't A. He's outside talkin' to Spencer's mom right now.

Emily: Okay, and what about with Sara?

Hanna: I don't even know the girl.

Aria: Hanna.

Hanna: Fine, I'll think of something.

Aria: You okay?

Spencer: Yeah, you know, just been on edge since we got back.

Emily: Yeah, it's been rough for me too.

Spencer: How about you? Are those pills helping?

Aria: Mm-hmm, no, they gave me a huge headache, so I threw 'em out. I'm just trying to not focus on what happened.

Spencer: Um, why don't we meet at The Brew in one hour?

Juliet: Sounds good.


Emily: Well

Spencer: The office manager won't give me my file. Has to go through my doctor.

Juliet: Well, that must mean they haven't been shredded yet.

Emily: Okay, well, there's only two ways into this warehouse. Front door has a security camera and the back door's locked.

Aria: What do we do now?

Spencer: Let's talk to Jason and Alison. Maybe they can figure out a way to get his file.

Hanna: Wait.


Aria: I don't see any cameras anywhere.

Emily: Or people.

Spencer: You guys look for the file, I'm gonna keep an eye out.

Emily: Did you find any Radley boxes?

Hanna: Not yet.

Emily: Aria found it.

Spencer: So did he commit suicide or was he released?

Aria: I don't know. It doesn't say, there's. There's no paperwork or entries past his 16th birthday.

Spencer: What? That can't be everything. No, it's not

Aria: It's just from ages 13 to 16. That's all I could find on him.

Juliet: Well, what's the last thing written in there?

Aria: Uh. His doctor recommending an increase in his medication something called Xylotrol.

Spencer: It's for severe depression.

Aria: Wait. Here's his visitors log. There's only two people on it. Alison's mom and someone named Carol Ward.

Emily: Carol is, um, Alison's great aunt.

Hanna: Well, if she visited Charles she must know what happened to him.

Juliet: She can't help us.

Spencer: Why not?

Juliet: Because she died when we were in tenth grade.

Spencer: Okay, just check the rest of these boxes. Make sure that we haven't missed anything. Go, go.


Hanna: Doesn't look like anybody lives here.

Jason: Maybe that's what Charles wants people to think.

Alison: If he's still alive. Why would he do this? To me, to us?

Juliet: I wish I knew.

Jason: Electricity's been turned off.

Hanna: I don't understand why your mom would keep this smelly old house when no one's living here.

Alison: It doesn't make any sense.

Jason: We should check around the property before we go.

Spencer: Okay. I'll check out that barn.

Hanna: I'll go with you.

Jason takes Juliet with him

Juliet: what’s that?

Jason: My aunt had a thing for them – are you okay?

Jason holds Juliet’s hand

Juliet has a flash back of when she was in ‘A’ lair. When ‘A’ forced her to hold his hand. Flash back ends. Juliet quickly moves her hand from Jason

Juliet: erm keep looking Jason

Jason: you haven’t really forgiven me have you?

Juliet: are you actually serious Jason? – The whole time I was down there I thought of you and no one else – so if that means I haven’t forgave you then I don’t know. After you constantly hurt me, I still thought of you, I thought, “What is Jason doing now? Is he okay? Does he even care that I’ve gone missing? - I miss Jason”

Alison: Jason, Juliet come here. Spencer, Hanna, over here.

Spencer: Are you okay?

Jason: So this is why my mother didn't want me to stay here. She didn't want me to see this.

Hanna: Your dad said Charles was cremated.

Alison: She must've lied to him.

Spencer: Why would she bury him here?

Jason: I guess she wanted to keep this memorial for herself.

Alison: That's why she wouldn't sell the house.

Hanna: We've been down this road before. Every time A thinks were onto him he does something to throw us off track.

Juliet: What are you saying?

Hanna: I'm saying this headstone is fake. Planted here by Charles to make us think he's dead.

Alison: That's ridiculous.

Hanna: No, what's ridiculous is that you think your brother's actually buried there.

Juliet: Easy, Hanna.

Hanna: No, this isn't a cemetery. And there's no casket down there, I'll prove it.

Spencer: Hanna, what are you doing? Hanna, stop!

Alison: That's my brother's grave, you can't do that.

Alison: Watch me.

Alison: Jason.

Jason: No. Stop digging, it's real. The grave is real.

Hanna: How are you so sure?

Jason: Look at the roots wrapped around the headstone. They've been growing that way for years.

Spencer: Oh, he's right. Nobody could've put this here.

Alison: Charles really is dead.

Hanna: You led us down the wrong path with all those stupid blocks and anagrams.

Spencer: Charles is still the key to all this.

Juliet: How?

Spencer: A is assuming his identity. He has the DiLaurentis' home movie. He had to have known Charles.

Hanna: Charles was institutionalized almost his entire life, Spencer.

Spencer: Exactly. So he must be somebody Charles knew at Radley.


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