Tuesday, 17 November 2015

PLL Season 4/10 | StoryTime

Season 4 Episode 10 The Mirror Has Three Faces

[School hallway]

Hanna: I still think we should dip into those candy-striper outfits one more time.

Emily: What difference would that have made?

Hanna: Well, we could've talked to Jenna instead of getting turned away at the visitor's desk.

Aria: Guys! Can you keep it down, please? Whole point was to sneak back.

Spencer: I think Mr. Facinelli noticed that our entire row was missing.

Aria: Well I'd still like to graduate.

Spencer: Oh, news flash honey, none of us are graduating.

Hanna: Okay, I still think that Spencer to get back to Shana and see if she'll say more.

Spencer: What? Why? –

Hanna: Because! If Cece drowned Jenna, then she must know the reason.

Emily: And why exactly do we trust Shana?

Hanna: All right, well why do we trust Jenna?

Aria: Well I don't trust anybody, and you guys are about as quiet as a monster truck rally. Now shut up.

Hanna: Fine. I'm going to the source.

Spencer: "The source"? Cece's been A.W.O.L. Since Wilden was alive. You're not just gonna find her folding peasant skirts at the diva dish right now.

Hanna: Well, then I'll I'll search every hipster boutique until I do find her.

Emily: No friggin' way.

Juliet: What? What's wrong? Is it an "A" text?

Emily: Worse. It's my mother. Mrs. DiLaurentis has offered to let us stay with her.

Juliet: In Ali's house?

Spencer: You're gonna sleep in Ali's old bed?

Emily: No! Hell no. I'm not moving in there.

Hanna: Yes, you are. Em, you have to. It might be our best chance to find Cece.

[Juliet’s house]

Juliet tells her mum there is a week till the wedding

Hailey: a week!

Juliet: mum we need to get married as soon as possible

Hailey: but a week to plan everything honey

Juliet: I can do this with your help, Jason left me with everything

Hailey: okay fine

Juliet: coolio

Hailey: you’re so happy, I love you like this

Juliet: I’m finally getting the guy I always wanted mum, of course I’m going to be happy – I can’t believe you kept the proposal from me

Hailey: hi I had to okay

Juliet: we’ll plan when I get home

Hailey: totally

Juliet: bye

Hailey: bye

[Jason’s house]

Juliet knocks and Jessica opens the door

Juliet: hi Ms. D I wanted to know if Emily is here?

Jessica: oh no honey she just left, she’ll be back soon

Juliet: okay I’ll come back later

Jessica: wait come in you can wait inside

Juliet: no erm -

Jessica: please

Juliet: okay

Juliet goes inside

Jessica: and call me Jessica or mum – you know Jason always had a soft spot for you, he knew you would make a decent man out of him

Juliet: he makes me happy, I can’t see myself without Jason. I love your son

Jessica: and I truly believe he loves you – right I wanna show you this

Juliet: oh my god

Jessica: I was looking at it before you knocked on the door. Kind of like fate – something like this I can look forward to, I need this happiness after

Juliet: Ali will always be with us

Jessica: I lost a daughter 2 years ago and now I’m gaining another – Ali always liked you – my kids love you

Juliet wipes Jessica’s tears

Jessica: oh look at me, so Jason says it’s soon the wedding

Juliet: yeah he left the planning to me – we have a week

Jessica: a week!

Juliet: yeah

Jessica: lets get a move on then, lets drop down some ideas

[Alison’s room]

Spencer: He said, "DiLaurentis." I'm positive.

Juliet: How can you be positive?

Emily: You said it was Toby that was there, not you.

Spencer: No it was.

Hanna:'Kay what was Toby doing in an old folks' home?

Spencer: I-I don't know, okay. It had something to do with Nigel's phone. You guys are focusing on the wrong details, okay? She was there. Ali's mom was at Radley at some point.

Emily: He has dementia. The name "DiLaurentis" has been everywhere. Maybe he just got it stuck in his head.

Spencer: Well, I think it's worth it to find out.

Emily: So what? You're just gonna ask her?

Hanna: Yeah, why not?

Emily: Um, because she's going through a divorce, and she's a little fragile. I can't talk about this anymore. I'm late for work.

Jessica: Emily, is that you?

Hanna: Uh, actually, Emily left for work.

Jessica: Oh, and I was hoping you girls would stay for dinner. You could even sleep over if you like. I still have the trundle bed upstairs.

Hanna: I should Probably get home.

Jessica: You know, it's chilly in here right now, but the furnace guy is on his way.

Spencer: No, it's um, another time.

Jessica: Juliet how about you?

Juliet: Jason is out of town I don’t think there’s any point

Jessica: we’re gonna be family soon there’s one

Juliet: my mum –

Jessica: it’s fine another time, we’ll make dinner plans for the wedding arrangement, you can bring your mum, and I’ll call you

Juliet: okay

Spencer: Um Mrs. DiLaurentis, do you happen to know a Dr. Palmer?

Jessica: The name rings a bell. What kind of doctor is he?
Spencer: A psychiatrist from Radley.

Jessica: This is your doctor?

Spencer: Uh, no, no. Uh, he's retired. I was just wondering I was wondering if he was yours.

Jessica: Why would you wonder that, dear?

Spencer: Because he mentioned you.

Jessica: Oh. Well, if it's the guy I'm thinking of, I only met him the one time. But he wasn't my psychiatrist.

Hanna: Was he Ali's?

Jessica: No, he wasn't.

Flash back

Spencer: Had they ever done anything like that before?

Jessica: No. But even from the beginning, something about their relationship was wrong, obsessive.

Juliet: What? Like Wearing each other's makeup? Clothes?

Jessica: More like wearing each other's personalities.


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