2 Episode 22 Father Knows Best
[Juliet’s house]
Juliet: okay bye mum
Hailey: Juliet you’re wearing your uniform
Juliet: yeah, I feel better now
Hailey: I’m so happy to hear that!
Scott: can I speak with you for a minute?
Juliet: yeah sure, what’s up?
Scott: I know that the father daughter
thing at school is happening, & well I dated your mum for a couple of
months now. So I think it’d be great if I took you? I mean that’s if you want
Juliet: Scott I’d love that
Scott: she said yes!
Hailey: yaay!
Juliet: oh my god you both are like kids,
bye now
Hailey: bye
Scott: cya
Spencer: "Do Mom and Dad know
you're watching murder movies? That would kill them to find out.'A'"
Aria: -is "A" talking about
the N.A.T. video?
Hanna: Of course. "A" knows we
have their cell phone.
Emily: You guys get that text from
Juliet: Yes, and now Melissa's threatening
to kill our parents.
Spencer: I already told you: Melissa
can't be "A".
Hanna: Alison was getting texts from the
law firm your sister interned at.
Spencer: Yes, but she explained that. Melissa
just wanted Ali to leave Ian alone.
Aria: So what? What, I got chased by a
hobo for nothing?
Emily: That still doesn't explain why
Melissa got into Garrett's car.
Juliet: Do you think that Garrett told her
about the video?
Aria: 'Cause if she knows that she's on
it and if she's "A"
Spencer: You guys, my sister is not
"A".nI watched her fall apart when we found Ian's body. She had no
idea that he was dead. She wouldn't just text herself from her dead husband's
phone and lose it like that. Could we could we please just breathe for a
Hanna: No. We have video of four people
who could've killed Alison. Okay? They were in her bedroom the night she died. Can't
we get in trouble for withdrawing evidence?
Juliet: I think you mean withholding.
Aria: Look, Spencer's right. We've
jumped the gun before. We've gone to the cops.
Emily: And we ended up looking guilty.
Spencer: Yeah, and they already think
that we stole something from the morgue. I don' think that we should give this
to them. Look, I know that I'm asking a
lot, but, I think that I might have a way to find out more. So, can you guys
just give me a chance to get into this?
Aria: Okay.
[Jason’s room]
Jason & Juliet laying in bed
Jason: what’s up?
Juliet: nothing
Jason: something is bothering you, I know
Juliet: my mum’s boyfriend is taking me to
the father daughter dance. And I just feel like its weird
Jason: why?
Juliet: like its not fair, ever since my dad
died I felt like a piece of me is missing & Scott just doesn’t fit it
Jason: no one can replace your dad
Juliet: I know. I just miss him &
things like this just bring up all the things I don’t have
Jason: hi, you have friends, your mum &
now Scott; he sounds like a decent guy.
Juliet: he is
Jason: try making it work, cause he is
Juliet: yeah
Jason: and Juliet, you have me too
Juliet: I know
[Father Daughter dance]
Juliet & Scott slow dance
Scott: you look beautiful tonight
Juliet: thanks; you don’t look so bad
Scott: ha thanks
Juliet: listen Scott I need to tell you the
truth; I was actually felt really weird about this
Scott: I knew it, the way you said ‘yes’
straight away
Juliet: I know you love my mum, she loves
you & I appreciate you for that, she never had that since dad. I just wanna
say thank you for that
Scott: your mum makes me happy
Juliet: I know she does
Scott: and so do you, one day if I do have
kids with your mum, I wish they turn out just like you, so strong & can
tackle anything
Juliet: I’m not strong
Scott: you are & you don’t admit it,
which shows you ain’t big headed
Aria gives a hand signal to Juliet for her
to come over
Juliet: can you get me a drink?
Scott: wow you’re bossy too
Juliet: hi
Aria: Hanna, what's going on?
Mona: Where's your dress?
Juliet: Where's your mom?
Hanna: Hot on the "A" trail.
Mona: Um, what does that mean exactly?
Hanna: It means she found the police
report that "A" sent you. And she thinks it was sent to me. She gave
it to Wilden.
Spencer: Why?
Hanna: Because she thinks it's a threat.
Emily: It is.
Hanna: I don't know, she's just trying
to keep us safe.
Spencer: Yeah, but why Wilden?
Aria: Hanna, now your mom and my mom are
both asking questions about "A". And "A" really doesn't
like that. If they talk to each other
Hanna: Or if Wilden comes up with
something? What if they end up like
Spencer: Ju Um, Okay. We need a creative
Mona: Well, I have an idea.
Spencer: Okay, Mona.
Mona: It's gonna require a really big
lie and I'm terrible at that. Which one of you girls is best at hiding the
truth from someone who's close to you?
Hanna, spencer, Emily and Juliet: Her.
Aria: Wow, really? Thanks, guys. Okay,
Mona, what's my lie?
Aria: Hello? Wait, Spence. Stop here. I
think this is the block.
Juliet: Welcome to Brookhaven.
Emily: What did Jonah say to you
Aria: That Vivian Darkbloom's friend,
Alison, was receiving texts from more than one number.
Hanna: Wait, so does this mean that
Melissa was telling Spencer the truth?
Aria: Just means that she's getting
texts from more than one number.
Hanna: So there was someone else. Like
the real "A".
Juliet: Spence, you were right.
Emily: Where exactly are we headed?
Aria: I don't know. Jonah said he
couldn't find a specific address or where the texts were coming from, but that
they originated somewhere in a block radius from here.
Spencer: Do we have any idea what we're
supposed to be looking for?
Hanna: Well, I'm looking for a new
Aria: Guys.
Juliet: My God.
Emily: Those look exactly like those
creepy Chucky dolls that "A" sent us.
Aria: I'm freezing.
Emily: I've got something in the back of
my car.
Aria: Thanks.
Hanna: I used to like dolls.
Juliet: I never did
Spencer: I'm over it.
Emily: Me too.
Guy: Vivian?
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