Tuesday, 17 November 2015

PLL Season 4/04 | StoryTime

Season 4 Episode 4 Face Time


Hanna: Spence. Did you show your sister the mask yet?

Aria: Morning, Hanna

Hanna: Hi. Did you?

Spencer: Not yet.

Hanna: What are you waiting for? We can't just let her get away with it because she's your sister, Spencer.

Juliet: Whoa! Take it down a notch.

Spencer: That mask puts Melissa at the studio. Right now that all it does.

Hanna: She's leaving town and she's about to pin it on my mom before she goes.

Aria: If she's "a."

Hanna: She has to be!

Emily: Guys

Hanna: Emily, please tell them. We have to do something.

Spencer: You okay?

Emily: My dad's home.

Juliet: Isn't that usually a good thing?

Emily: No. He's back because family services wants to talk to us.

[School lunch]

Aria: what if hector notices Melissa’s mask is missing?

Hanna: That guy has so many heads he'll never miss one.

Juliet: I think I have to write that sentence down.

Emily: It's my dad. He wants me to come straight home after school.

Aria: Come on, they can't really think that there's something wrong with your family.

Emily: I don't know what they think. I lied about getting hurt, I lied about the pills Little lies.

Hanna: That's the problem. A big lie gives you something to hang onto. The trouble starts when you shave the truth and it just gets all twisted up.

Aria: All right, I gotta go.

Emily: Hey, how's Jake?

Aria: Jake's fine.

Spencer: He was "fine" the last time we asked.

Aria: Well, he's still fine.

Hanna: Is your mom really going to Austria with that muffin man?

Aria: I think so.

Spencer: Austria's a long way from here.

Aria: I'm counting on "a" not having a passport.

Spencer: what about you, was Jason in that hotel room

Juliet: no he was gone

Emily: sorry

Juliet: I’ts okay I’m fine

Hanna: Hey, Spence. Figure out what you want to do about Melissa.

Spencer: Senior year's supposed to be the best year of your life. Did you know that?

Emily: Yeah, if you survive it.


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