Friday, 13 November 2015

PLL Season 3/15 | StoryTime

Season 3 Episode 15 Mona-Mania

[Night time at School]

Spencer: Either there's something in that journal that explains why Aria's dad would meet up with Ali the night she died, or we have to believe Garrett's story.

Hanna: We couldn't do this at lunch tomorrow?

Emily: Do you wanna run into Harold and his rusty bolt cutter again?

Juliet: The school basement is creepy at night.

Hanna: How does this prove anything Garrett says?

Juliet: He was in Ali's room that night.

Hanna: Maybe he just made that stuff up from reading her journal.

Emily: Why?

Hanna: To stop us from thinking he did it?

Spencer: Garrett was shot because he talked.

Emily: Kinda makes me believe he was telling the truth.

Hanna: I really hope it's not true about Aria's dad. I have enough daddy issues of my own. I can't deal with having issues about hers, too. All right, you guys go in. Juliet & I keep watch.

Spencer: You hit the switch.

Emily: I can't find it.

Spencer: There's somebody in here. Hanna Juliet, look out! –

Emily: Did you see anything? –

Hanna: I didn't get a good look.

Spencer: Guys.

Emily: Where's all of Harold's stuff? –

Spencer: It's like he was never here.

Juliet: Look, there's Ali's journal.

Emily: Come on, let's go.

Spencer: No, wait.


Spencer: Soy? Unsweetened, no foam.

Aria: You deserve a medal. You guys, I tossed and turned all night.
I'd wake up from a dream about keep secrets from Ezra, and then I'd fall asleep and I would dream about falsely accusing my dad. Weirdly, both of them ended with my teeth falling out.

Hanna: Anxiety dreams. In mine, usually there's always a piece of gum in my hair, and I just keep pulling and pulling until I'm bald.

Spencer: Academic decathlon. I show up to state finals with my underwear on the outside.

Emily: Are you still gunning for team captain?

Spencer: Didn't you hear? Brad Langfield got into a bike accident. He's gonna need physical therapy. The very grim upside is that I'm running unopposed. Are you the only one of us that got sleep?

Emily: Are you kidding? After last night? –

Aria: So everything's gone? –

Juliet: Everything but a fake diary.

Aria: We've gotta talk to my mom about where my dad was that night. My teeth actually feel kinda loose right now.

Mona: Hey, ladies. Losing sleep? Me, too.

Juliet: What exactly are you talking about?

Mona: Remember that creepy Harold guy, from the lost woods motel?

Aria: What about him?

Mona: He was at our school, stalking me. He bribed the real custodian so he could have the job.

Spencer: Why would he be stalking you?

Mona: I used to talk to him once in a while, and he sort of ran with it. When I told him it was inappropriate, he didn't take it so well. And after what happened at the 10k, I told my parents, and we went to the school administration.

Spencer: You think that he rigged that explosion in the shed just to hurt you?

Mona: I guess the police are looking for him now, but Harold's gone completely off the grid. I really hope they find him soon.

Hanna: - You sure it was him? 

Mona: Who else would it be? Anyway, I just thought you guys should know.

Emily: Okay, please tell me no one else bought that.

Aria: I'm just glad it's over with. Meredith thought that we did that.

Spencer: So Mona did us a favor. We did not ask for it. We definitely don't owe her anything.

Aria: I wouldn't call anything that Mona does a favor.

Juliet: You know her better than any of us, Hanna. What do you think?

Hanna: I think there's more to the story.

[School Canteen]

Juliet: Maybe her phone was hidden or something.

Spencer: If she's gonna dip bag into the "A" bag to scare me off the decathlon team, she's got another think coming.

Hanna: Is being Captain brainiac really that important?

Emily: Do you know something we don't?

Hanna: No. I'm just saying, if Mona's back to her old tricks, then maybe we should stay away from her.

Spencer: Like sabotaging Brad so she could run against me for team captain? That's so

Juliet: Ali.

Hanna: She's coming over here.

Mona: Hi, Spencer. Listen, I just wanted to thank you for being such a good sport. I know that the two of us running for the same position could have caused some tension. I didn't mean to make a big deal of that. I would've called or texted, but

Spencer: Oh, no, Mona, I got your text. Yesterday.

Mona: I'm not allowed to have a cell phone. No texting, no Internet. Part of my release terms from Radley.

Emily: No Internet. So how did you post that apology video?

Mona: The vice-principal said that I could have limited access to the computer lab. Homework only, supervised.

Aria: That was certainly calculating, but I wouldn't call it trig.

Mona: I thought it was the right thing to do, so I asked Jason and –

Juliet: He's helping you?

Mona: - He supervised. It was my idea.

Hanna: We know you were sneaking out of Radley, Mona. How are we supposed to believe anything you say? Mona? –

Mona: The doctor said that people might have some trouble. It's just been a little more overwhelming than I thought, you know, to confront the past and work it out with all of you. Can you excuse me?

Juliet: That was part of her act, right?

Aria: Yeah, let's go.

[Aria’s bedroom]

Emily: Spencer says Jason checks out. Apparently, he was working with Mona, but just her Internet nanny.

Juliet: Great. We still don't know who's helping Mona.

Aria: I talked to my mom yesterday.

Hanna: You look a little green.

Aria: Yeah, I've been feeling queasy. I think the stress is just getting to me.

Emily: What did she say?

Aria: As far as my mom knows, my dad was with her the whole night.
But she slept through that storm. She could've easily slept through him sneaking out of the house. He knows how she gets after a couple of glasses of wine. I just don't wanna believe that it was intentional.

Hanna: So you're saying he wanted her to sleep through the night?

Juliet: But it still doesn't mean that he snuck out to meet Alison.
Maybe he met up with Meredith.

Hanna: Were they still together then?

Aria: No, they weren't seeing each other. That's what he told me.

Emily: In the journal entry, he said he promised to meet Alison when she came back from her grandmother's. At was the same night she died.

Aria: Maybe he agreed to meet her at a different time.

Hanna: No, he didn't. It said that

Aria: I'll show you. Guys, the pages aren't in here.

Juliet: Check the other boot.

Aria: No, I put it in the left one.

Emily: You're sure it's this one?

Aria: Yes.

Byron: That's quite a mess you're making. Did you lose something?

Aria: No. Yeah. We're just looking for the other one of these.

Emily: Oh, here it is.

Aria: Crisis averted. Um, I thought that you had a meeting tonight.

Byron: I canceled it. I have to pack for a conference. I have a colleague who had an emergency. I'm filling in.

Aria: - Okay.

Byron: Remember when Mike used to raid your Halloween candy? You always used to stash it in your snow boots. He never thought to look there. I always thought that was pretty clever. Well, I'll get out of your hair.

Aria: He knows.


Juliet: hi we just got your text are you okay?

Spencer: erm I lost

Hanna: Did she cheat?

Spencer: Yeah. I don't know. Um, I just really blew it, and I need to get outta here.

Hanna: Toby's not home?

Spencer: No, he's still out at dinner with his boss.

Juliet: Okay, we'll go.

Andrew: hi Juliet 

Juliet: yeah

Andrew: this is going to sound weird cause you’re a cheerleader & I’m just a boy that loves Math, but will you go on a date with me sometime? Unless you’re seeing someone?

Juliet: no I’m not, wow no ones asked me out on a real date before normally its just come to bed, erm Spence will send you my number

Andrew: okay cool I’ll text you

Andrew leaves

Juliet: okay he is the hottest nerd

Spencer: yeah his been dreaming about you since 3rd grade

Juliet: come on lets go

Spencer: Okay.

Hanna: In one second.

Spencer: What are you doing?

Hanna: Just hang on. Mona, can I talk to you for a minute?

Mona: Sure. Oh, there's still more cupcakes if you wanna join.

Hanna: I'm on to you. Okay, nothing's changed. You are still pulling strings and pushing buttons. Manipulating lives, using people's secrets. I wasted months visiting you, defending you, feeling guilty for everything you did to me. And I kept thinking, maybe if I was a better friend. You almost reeled me in. "I'm scared, Hanna. I need you. " Bull crap. I know you're still "a," and I know what you're doing to Lucas.

Mona: Whatever Lucas said –

Hanna: no, I'm done. I don't wanna see you, I don't wanna hear from you, and I don't wanna know you.

Mona: I'm sorry you feel that way.

[Spencer’s house]

Spencer: We have a competition in, like, a month. Overnight travel. I'm not gonna be able to survive a weekend with Mona.

Hanna: Maybe we should throw her under a bus, literally.

Juliet: Here's more ice.

Spencer: This isn't working. I'd actually need to remove my brain, and soak it in an ice bath.

Hanna reads text: "cut Mona off? Big mistake. You're not the only one who can slice and dice. A."

Spencer: It's not Lucas? –

Hanna: 100% not Lucas. Mona just used him like an evil personal assistant.

Juliet: I think there's more people out there who are way worse. You shouldn't have yelled at her like that.

Hanna: she had it coming.

Spencer: I know, but if she's up to her old tricks, that text won't be the end of it.

Hanna: So what? We know her tricks. I'm not gonna live my life in fear. Mona can't hide from us anymore.

Spencer: Do you remember when she started to unravel the other day in the courtyard? I saw her crack like that tonight. I thought I could rattle her cage and send her running. That's what made me lose.

Juliet: How?

Spencer: 'Cause I got cocky, and competitive. I saw this soft underbelly, and I lunged.

Hanna: So you think she showed you a weak spot on purpose?

Spencer: That's what I'm worried about. She doesn't have to hide behind "A" anymore. She can take us on right in the open.


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