Saturday, 21 November 2015

PLL Season 5/07 | StoryTime

Season 5 Episode 7 The Silence of E. Lamb

[Girl’s toilet]

Spencer: All of us? What does your mom want with all of us?

Emily: Well, I think she's mostly asking Ali.

Alison: That's not like your mom. She's a planner.

Hanna: Okay, I'm pretty sure Emily's mom is not one of Mona's secret ninjas. Are we supposed to be suspicious of everyone now?

Alison: It saves time.

Aria: Well, I don't think I'm gonna be finished at Radley. I can't just put that Bethany drawing up on the bulletin board with my phone number. It's gonna take a while.

Juliet: "A" is not gonna give us a while.

Aria: Hey, are you going to Ezra's later to help him move his research and spy stuff?

Spencer: Sure.

Alison: Look, Em, I will try to make it, but Can you put your mom off?

Emily: No, not without an epic excuse.

Alison: Okay. Then we'll just do it, get it over with.

Hanna: Your wish is our command.

Alison: What is that supposed to mean?

Hanna: I have to go to class.

[Paul’s house]

Juliet: thanks for the dinner again

Paul: my pleasure – I’ll clean up

Juliet: okay

Paul: wait where are you going?

Juliet: going to Emily’s

Paul: why? I never spend the whole night with you and when it’s my day off you’re going

Juliet: my friends need me

Paul: I need you

Juliet: I’m full anyways I’ll text Emily

Paul: good. I’ll get the desserts out

Juliet: okay

Paul: hi – I’m not letting you out my site, anymore

[Paul’s bedroom]

Paul’s asleep and Juliet gets a SOS text from Spencer. Juliet grabs her shoes and jacket and quietly walks out of house.

[Spencer’s house]

Emily: That is not how she was dressed when she left.

Aria: Where is Ali going? Did you see her come back?

Spencer: No. Not yet.

Juliet: Well, how was she acting when she left your house tonight?

Emily: Hard to tell, she left pretty early. Might have been Hanna's fault though. She was drinking.

Aria: In front of your mom?

Emily: Yeah, I had to kick her out. She knows I'm mad. She might not even show up.

Spencer: She has to show up. We have to figure out what Ali's up to.

All phone buzzes

Hanna: Hey. Sorry, you guys, I ran into Caleb and we had a few things to talk about. What did I miss?

Juliet: Did you just get the text that came in? It's from "A."

Hanna: No.

Emily: Are you sure? Check your phone.

Hanna: I don't know what text you're talking about.

Hanna reads the text: "New York, New York, it's a hell of a town." Ali's keeping secrets. Maybe that's because of Hanna's big mouth."

Spencer: Care to fill us in?


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