Season 1 Episode 6 There's No Place Like
Spencer: Hey
Aria: Mm. What are you doing?
Emily: An intervention. We brought
takeout and rag mags.
Hanna: But you cannot have any of those
until you get out of these sweats.
Aria: What's wrong with these?
Juliet: Nothing Except they're starting to
graft to your skin.
Aria: Well, they're comfy.
Hanna: So are mom jeans and platform
Emily: Plus, how are we gonna help you
choose a homecoming dress if you don't try some on for us?
Aria: That's easy. I'm not going.
Emily: What do you mean you're not
Spencer: You can't just not go.
Juliet: What are you doing instead?
Aria: I don't know. I guess I'll just
read these and then inhale a gallon of chunky monkey.
Spencer: Hey, look, cutting yourself off
from the rest of your life is not gonna help your parents. And besides, they
still might work it out.
Aria: They're barely speaking to each
Emily: People get angry. They blow up. Doesn't
mean it's over.
Hanna: Emily, they didn't blow up over
her dad missing their anniversary. He slept with one of his students. Sorry.
Emily: I'm just saying things can look
over on Friday, and by Monday all is forgiven. Some things just take time.
Aria: Yeah, maybe.
Spencer: Okay, so you're coming! Come
Aria: God I'll think about it.
Hanna: If you're not coming, can you at
least cast an absentee ballot? What? I need her vote.
Spencer: Hanna, stop already! You've got
homecoming queen locked down.
Hanna: Really? You can rig the election?
Spencer: Sorry, I have enough to do
already, thanks. I'm head of the committee, half of which is out sick with the
flu, so I'll be restocking the ice and refilling the hummus bowl And trying to
look cute for my first official date.
Juliet: With Alex?
Aria: Wait, you're bringing him to
homecoming? So, this is real!
Hanna: Look at her blush!
Spencer: Stop!
Aria: Damn! Now I have to come.
Spencer: Seriously, you guys, he's not
gonna know anybody there, so can you just do your best to make him feel
Hannah: No, we were planning on freezing
him out.
Spencer: All right, moving on. Em, who
are you gonna bring?
Emily: I think I'm gonna go stag.
Aria: I will, too.
Spencer: Why don't you guys come
together? Oh, you'd make such a cute couple.
Aria: How did I just go from wearing mom
jeans to being Samantha Ronson?
Hanna: Who cares who anyone goes to this
thing with? I mean, it's just a dance. You should bring someone who you have
fun with. I might want to go with someone. I just don't want people thinking it
means more than it does.
Juliet: Are you and Ben back together?
Emily: No. No, of course not.
Aria: So who's the mystery dude?
Hanna: I'm starving.
Emily: What's wrong? Bad fortune?
Spencer: Yeah, confucius says stop being
such a drama queen.
Hanna Reads
"Lions and tigers and bitches, oh
my! "There's no place like homecoming.
See you there.
[School Corridor]
Noel catches up to Juliet
Noel: Juliet! Hi wait up!
Juliet: Hi
Noel: I’ll walk you to class
Juliet: Okay
Noel: So I’m going ask Aria to the dance,
just was wondering if its okay with you?
Juliet: Why would it be?
Noel: I don’t know
Juliet: well there’s no problem
Noel: okay cool. So who you going with?
Juliet: someone so special to me,
(whispers) they make me want to stay in & play with them
Noel: oh yeah, who is it?
Juliet goes next to Noel’s ears &
Juliet: myself
Juliet walks into class, Noel smiles at her
Hanna: Hi! There she is.
Spencer: I was worried you were gonna
Aria: No! No, I'm ready to have a
fantastic time tonight.
Mona: With no date? My, how the mighty
have fallen.
Hanna: Whatever. She can share my date.
Sean: Yeah. I have no problem with that.
Spencer: And mine.
Alex: Yeah.
Aria: Hey, I'm Aria.
Alex: Alex.
Aria: Nice to meet you.
Alex: You too.
Juliet: wait Sean wasn’t Noel going to ask
Aria to the dance
Sean: I don’t know anything about that
Juliet: oh.
Spencer: Unfortunately Aria, you have to
work before you can play, 'cause you've got the first shift at the beanbag
toss! You're a hero.
Um, will you excuse me for just one sec?
Yeah, sure. Talk to him.
Hanna: Yeah.
[Juliet see’s Noel]
Juliet: oh look who it is, Noel with. Oh ah
where’s Aria, oh right you never asked her
Noel: couldn’t do that to you
Juliet: you know you could have
Noel: yeah I know but I decided not to,
taking myself to the prom is so much more satisfying, I get what I want at the
Juliet: oh I bet you do
Noel walks away grinning
[Girls together]
Spencer: Hey, that was a quick shift. You
Aria: No, my claustrophobia kicked in. Can
you find someone to take my place?
Spencer: Yeah. Alone in a dark booth
with Fitz? It's, like, every freshman girl's dream.
Maya: Hey, Hanna.
Spencer, Aria, Hanna, and Juliet: Hi!
Maya: Um, have you guys seen Emily
Hanna: No, I was just about to text her.
Aria: Don't bother.
[Song ends; Applause]
Emily: Hey, guys.
Toby: I'll go get us some drinks.
Spencer: You're here with Toby?
Aria: Either you've got some genius plan
of sleeping with the enemy, or you've lost your mind!
Emily: You don't even know him.
Spencer: What is there to know?
Juliet: Who else could've helped Jenna? He
has every reason to hate us.
Emily: He doesn't.
Hanna: Emily, if it walks like a duck
and quacks like a duck, it's a fricking duck.
Emily: Wow. I thought at least you'd
Hanna: Emily, wait.
Emily: Why are you doing this? Aren't
you the one who told me to follow my feelings and not to let other people's
opinions stop me?
Hanna: Yes, yes, I did, but that was
when I thought you were taking Maya.
Emily: Maya?! Why would I take Maya?
Toby: Hey. You wanna go play some games?
Emily: Sure.
[walks off]
Spencer: Did I miss something? When did
she start hanging out with Toby?
Aria: I have no idea.
Juliet: yeah I've never even seen her talk
to him.
Sean: There you are. You keep
disappearing on us.
Hanna: Yeah, we Had to get ice.
Alex: Hey, wanna dance?
Spencer: Let's do it.
Juliet: hi Noel come here
[Everyone slow dances]
Alex: What's wrong?
Spencer: Nothing. I'll be right back. Aria?
I'm sorry. Can you come here? Please, Hanna. Juliet come, I'm sorry. I figured out
what Toby's tattoo means.
Hanna: What?
Spencer: "901 free at last?"
It's September 1st.
Aria: That's the day Ali disappeared.
Spencer: Hanna, you've gotta get that
Hanna: Tonight?
Spencer: Emily's not going to believe us
without proof. She could be walking into a trap.
Hanna: Could we do it after they
announce the homecoming queen? Please. Okay, fine. Fine. I'll get it. Keep an
eye on Emily until I get the file.
Aria: Wait, what about me?
Spencer: Keep an eye on Sean.
Aria: What?
Spencer: I can't exactly tell him where
I'm going. If I make something up, he'll want to come with me.nJust keep him
Aria: How am I supposed to do that?
Hanna: I don't know. Just figure it out.
[Juliet goes next to Noel]
Juliet: oh look Noel, Aria & your best
Juliet walks off, Noel shouts
Noel: still got a dance off you
[Girls go to a class room]
Spencer: Is that Jenna's file?
Hanna: No, I got Toby's. Turns out Jenna
wasn't the patient. The therapist had her come in for one session to see how
she felt about Toby coming back home.
Juliet: Oh, my God.
Aria: Well, what else does it say?
Hanna: Well, the dates prove he wasn't
away at school when Ali disappeared. He was still here in Rosewood.
Juliet: What else?
Hanna: See for yourself.
Aria: Session 12, August 15th.
[Flash Back]
Alison: Think I didn't see what was
going on in there?
Toby: It's not what it looked like.
Alison: Maybe not to you.
Toby: What are you doing here, anyway?
What the hell did I ever do to you?
Alison: You've been peeping in my window
for years.
Toby: I never looked in your window.
Alison: Well, I've looked in yours, and
we're not taking the blame for this.
Toby: Oh, yes, you are.
Alison: No, not unless you want the
entire world to know how close you are with your stepsister. You talk, and I'll
make sure everybody knows you've been doing it with her.
[Flash back finished]
Spencer: So that's what Ali had on him?
Hanna: It's enough to want her dead.
Juliet: And us.
Aira: Emily!
[Phone ringing]
Toby: Can you please not answer that?
Emily: Why?
Toby: Because I'm trying to find a way
to tell you about what happened last summer. I want you to hear it from me.
Aria: She's not picking up.
Spencer: Text her!
Hanna: We have to find her. Come on!
Emily: Toby, you're scaring me. Please
Toby: I haven't said anything yet.
Emily: Please stop talking.
Toby: So, you're allowed to be honest,
but I'm not?
[Message tone beeps]
Text Reads “you’re with Ali’s killer, we
have proof”
Toby: Who's that from? Is that from one
of your friends?
Emily: I've gotta go.
Toby: Why? Wait.
Emily: No, I've gotta go.
Toby: Wait. Just hear me out!
Emily: Somebody help me!
Toby: Emily, wait!
Aria: Where is she?
Hanna: Maybe they left.
Emily: Somebody help me, please!
Emily: Get away from me!
Spencer: That's her.
Emily: Somebody help! Somebody!
Toby: Emily!
Emily: Get away from me!
Toby: Emily, wait!
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