Saturday, 7 November 2015

PLL Season 1/01 | StoryTime

Season 1 Episode 1 Pilot Script

[Spencer's barn]

The girls are in the barn drinking and having fun when the lights and music are turned off

Spencer: It must be the storm.

A creak is heard from outside

Aria: Something's out there!

The barn door opens slightly

Hanna: Guys!

Alison jumps out and the girls scream!

Spencer: So not funny, Alison!

They all laugh and sit down in a circle

Hanna: Ali, did you download the new beyonce?

Alison: Not yet

Emily: I'm loving her new video!

Alison: Maybe a little to much, em.

she hands alcohol to aria

Alison: Your turn

Spencer: Be careful Aria, take to much you'll tell us all your secrets

Alison: friends share secrets, thats what keeps us close. Drink up!

Morning now and only Emily, Aria, Juliet and Hanna are in the barn

Aria: Em!

Juliet: Whats going on?

Hanna: Where's Ali and Spencer?

Aria: We dont know.

Aria: Ali!

Spencer: She's gone.

Aria: What do you mean she's gone?"

Spencer: I've looked everywhere. I think I heard her scream.

[Flashback over]

[Class Room]

Emily: So I hear the new teacher's really hot!

Hanna walks into the classroom

Aria: Is that Hanna?

Emily: She's the 'it' girl now. 

Mona comes next

Emily: And where there's Hanna there's Mona.

Aria: Thats Mona?

Emily: Can you believe it?

Aria: Wow, talk about a makeover

Hanna waves to the girls then turns her head

Aria: What's up with her? You two fighting?

Emily: We didn't just lose touch with you, Aria, we all fell out of touch with eachother

Juliet walks in with two cheerleaders beside her, smiles at Aria & Emily & takes a seat at front

Emily: She’s the captain of the shark cheer group, everyone loves her but she erm lets just say she is very picky of who she loves

Aria: wow! Never thought she’d walk away from the ones that think she is royalty

Spencer walks in to, she smiles shyly to Hanna

Emily: They're not so close with eachother to

Aria: So they're friendly but not friends

The new prof. comes into the class and writes his name on the board. He turns around and it turns out it is the Man that Aria hooked up with at the bar. He turns around and realizes.

Ezra: Holy Crap!

Everyone looks at Aria who sees him. Her phone rings which is quite embarrasing 

Aria: Sorry

Ezra: Uh, I'm Mr.Fitz your new English teacher.

Aria reads the text

Maybe he fools around with students all the time. 
Alot of teachers do, just ask your dad.    -A

Aria: Alison?

[School Gym]

Juliet & other girls warming up for practice

Rachel: So as I am the new cheer captain I think its safe to say warm ups are not needed. We are wasting time. You’re either fit or not, you hear me Payton, fit or bye bye

Juliet: Wait hold up, you aren’t the captain I am

Rachel: Clearly there’s been a mistake; you are the co captain that makes you the understudy of me

Juliet: Yeah we’ll see about that

Juliet walks to the gym teachers, checks the cheer sheet on the board. ‘Rachel is the captain & Juliet is the co captain’. Juliet takes the paper off the board & puts it in her pocket. She goes onto the gym teacher’s computer & changes the cheer sheet to ‘Juliet as captain, Rachel as co captain’. Juliet prints & pins the sheet onto the board. And walks off.

[Rosewoods High School]

[School hallway]

Payton: Can you believe Rachel thought she was captain, that’s so embarrassing

Juliet: Yeah I know

Brooke: I mean she’d just boss us around & the team wouldn’t have been the team

Payton: Yeah Juliet, you’re like the glue

Brooke: Well we are off see you soon

Juliet: Bye guys

Juliet’s phone buzzes,
Text reads

What if they found out you lied to them? Do you think they will still think of you as their elite captain? – A

Juliet: oh my god

[In the Street]

Emily walks alone in street when she perceives an ambulance managed towards the old Di Laurentis’s house. She runs in their direction when she perceives Maya.

Emily: Maya!

Maya: Emily!

Emily: I thought something might have happened to you
Maya: I tried to call you.

Emily: What's going on?

Maya: They found your friend.

Emily: I knew she was back. Is she inside?

Maya: Emily! I'm sorry. They found Alison’s body.

We see two agents of the coroner pushing a body in a bag on a stretcher that passes Juliet who looks at the body bag & after looks at Emily. We perceive then Hanna stealing in the middle of people, seeing the bag on the stretcher. Aria is in its car when she sees that she stops and get out of the car. She sees Spencer on the other pavement and goes to her.

Aria: I heard the cops tak Hanna to the police station today.

Spencer: You don't think she'd ever talk about...

Hanna: The Jenna thing? We made promise.

[Hanna’s House]

Hanna is in the lounge looking at the information about the discovery of Alison's body

Télé : The current owners of the residence Were in the process of demolishing the structure To make room for a renovation project When workers made the gruesome discovery. The parents of the deceased were unavailable for comment, But a family spokesperson has confirmed The gazebo was under construction The summer 15-year-old AlisonDilaurentis disappeared. Tonight, the family is asking for privacy As they come to terms with the sad ending to a year-long mystery, And local authorities are coming to terms With the fact a killer is at large in rosewood.
Hanna hear a noise, she switched off the sound. It is her mother who goes in whirlwind into the house followed by the policeman. They kiss each other and go up stair. Hanna puts back the sound.

[Rosewood’s Church]

People enter the church; a journalist is on the pavement of opposite.

Male newscaster: Thank you... The discovery of her body rocked this community, And today, hundreds of mourners gather To say goodbye to Alison dilaurentis.

We see Emily arrived with her mother along side with Juliet & her mother they both cross Spencer and her parents. Spencer Juliet & Emily take themselves in arms. Aria is inside of the church looking through the window. She is joined by Ezra.

Then we see her gone into the church.

Aria: Mrs. Dilaurentis.

Mrs. Dilaurentis: Aria! I'm so glad you came. I asked the other girls to sit together up front. It's what Alison would have wanted.

Aria: Of course.

Aria approaches the first rank, she stops and observes the coffin when Hanna take her hand. She takes place next to the girls.

Emily: Poor ali.

Hanna: Can you believe what a scene this is?

Aria: Alison would have loved it.

Juliet: I think she would’ve wanted more people to turn up

Spencer: Popular in life and death.

Hanna gives a phial of alcohol to Emily

Emily: No thanks. I don't--

Hanna: Today, I think you do.

The cell of Aria rings. The girl’s look at her terrified.

Hanna: Anyone we know?

Aria: No, it's just my mom sending me a text. Emily and I aren't the only ones who got messages from "a," are we?

Spencer turns around

Spencer: oh, my god.It's Jenna.

They see a blind girl sitting with the help of a young man. The girls turn around. They run back around.

The mother of Alison sits down next to them.

Mrs. Dilaurentis : Did you see that Jenna Marshall was here? I didn't realize she and ali were friends. 

Spencer: They weren't.

Minister: The lord giveth and the lord taketh away.

The ceremony is finished the girls go out of the church when the policeman intercept them

Agent: Emily, Juliet, Spencer, Aria and Hanna.

Spencer: Do we know you?

Wilden: I'm detective wilden. I understand you were all good friends with the victim.

Aria: Yeah, we were.

Wilden: I'm gonna need to talk to each one of you.

Spencer: We talked to the police when alison went missing.

Wilden: And I intend to go over every one of your statements. This is no longer a missing persons investigation. It's a murder. Rest assured, I will find out what happened that summer.

The agent Wilden go, we see Jenna going to a car.

Aria: Do you think he knows about?

Hanna: No. How could he?

Their phones rings.

Aria: Oh, my

Juliet: God!

Hanna:  It's from--

Emily: I got one too.

Spencer: "I'm still here, bitches

Girls: ...And I know everything. A'."


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