Saturday, 7 November 2015

PLL Season 1/02 | StoryTime

Season 1 Episode 2 Jenna Thing

[At "Apple Rosegrille"]

Aria: Why was Jenna there?

Spencer: I guess she's back.

Hanna: That cop acted like we were suspects or something.

Emily: Do you think we looked guilty?

Juliet: Why would we? We haven't done anything wrong.

Hanna: Except lie about the Jenna thing.

Spencer: We promised we'd never bring up the Jenna thing again, remember? It never happened.

Aria: Have you found a way to forget? I still wake up sometimes in the middle of the night.

Spencer: Aria, it was an accident.

Hanna puts a drink in her glass, a man stares at her

Hanna: It's medicinal. Cramps! 

Emily: I don't get it. How does "A" know something about me that only Alison knew?

Aria: Ali knew all of our secrets, but...We never knew any of hers.

Spencer: I knew some.

Aria: Go on.

Hanna: Talk.

Juliet: come on.

Spencer: I can't.

Aria: Spence! No, you are not gonna drop a bomb like that and just clam up!

Spencer: She'd so kill me if I told you.

Hanna: She's dead.

Spencer: Ali was seeing someone that summer.

Emily: I knew she was keeping something from me! From us.

Aria: Well, why didn't she want us to know?

Spencer: He was an older boy, and he had a girlfriend.

Juliet: Typical.

Emily: Who was it?

Spencer: She never told me his name.

Hanna: That's only half the secret.

Spencer: It's more than you ever got from her.

Aria: How is that Ali told us nothing,and we told her everything?

Emily: Because she made us feel like we were part of something special.

Hanna: We were.

Aria: I miss that.

Spencer: Me too.

Emily: I miss Ali.

Juliet: Missed you guys more.

Hanna: I can't believe you still wear that.

Emily: Ali still wears hers. Wore.

Spencer: When Ali didn't come home that night, I knew something terrible must have happened, but there was always some part of me that imagined someday she'd just show up.

Aria: Yeah. I used to think that maybe she'd just...Run off with some guy.

Emily: She was laying on a beach somewhere.

Hanna: Or getting a tan out by the pool with that hot lifeguard.

Aria: Ohh. Yeah...What was his name?

Hanna: Who cares? "Save me!"

All laughing softly - cane tapping                                                                        Jenna enters in and the girls stare at her, then leave discretely 

[Opening Credits]

[In Rosewood High School]

Aria: Can I talk to you?

Ezra: Yeah, of course.

Aria: I'd like to transfer out of your class.

Ezra:  Can you come inside for a minute, please?

Aria: Yeah.

They enter in Ezra's classroom.

Ezra: I understand where you're coming from. I just... Wish that you could stay in the class.

Aria:  This isn't an easy decision. But I feel like it's the right thing to do.

Ezra: I can keep my feelings in check.

Aria:  I can't. And even if I could, I don't want to. It's too hard to sit in this room every day and call you Mr. Fitz. Okay? I can't pretend like I don't know you. So... Will you sign it?

Ezra: Are you sure?

Aria: Yeah, I'm... I'm sure.

Ezra signs the paper Aria just gave it to him

Aria: Thank you.

Ezra: Mm-hm.

Aria leaves the classroom, Ezra stays in

Now in the corridor, Juliet walking down the hall

Gym teacher: Juliet!

Juliet: Oh hi

Gym teacher: So Rachel said she thought she was the captain, now I know I’m not stupid

Juliet: what do you mean?

Gym teacher: I would never make her captain; she is not the type of leader I want

Juliet: maybe someone just made a prank on her

Gym teacher: Yeah maybe, just wanted to let you know your position, as captain is safe, so don’t you worry

Juliet: Ok thank you

Gym teacher walks away. Meanwhile at the corridor Hanna & Mona are next to their locker

Mona: Okay, I am all for boob jobs, but when I see those, I want to "moo."

Both chuckle 

I spy a Sean.

Hanna: I'll see you at lunch.

She leaves and joins Sean, they kiss, and leave
We now see Emily near her locker. Ben kisses her when she closes it

Ben: What's wrong?

Emily: You surprised me.

Ben: We still on for the movie?

Emily:  My mom invited Maya to stay with us tonight.

Ben:  Ohh... What kind of jammies do you think new girl wears?

Emily:  How would I know?

Ben: I'll see you at practice.

Voice: Will the following students please come to the office: Emily Fields, Juliet James, Aria Montgomery, Spencer Hastings, Hanna Marin.
They gather together, Aria's phone rings 

Aria: Wait. It's from "A."

Hanna, reading the text message: "dead girls walking."

[In the office of Rosewood HS]

Cop: So let's see... You thought you heard her scream.

Spencer: I-I said that, yeah.

Cop:  And when you three woke up in the barn, Alison was gone, and so was Spencer.

Spencer:  Yes, I woke up before them, And I realized that Ali was missing, so...

Cop:  So you went looking for her.

Spencer:  That's what happened. 

Cop: I got that. So, what's up? Was this a slumber party, or...?

Spencer:  Is this an interrogation?

Cop:  No, just a routine follow-up. Why did you guys all fall asleep?

Aria:  I guess we were tired.

Cop:  Tired? Really. Is that how you remember it, Hanna?

Hanna:  Yeah.

Cop:  Yeah, you guys were tired.

Spencer:  Look, we've told you everything we know, just like we did the night she went missing.

Cop:  I know, and you see, the thing is, it's almost exactly what you said last year-- Almost like it was rehearsed.

Aria:  Like Spencer said, we've told you everything we know.

[At the canteen]

Aria:  He knows we're lying.

Hanna: Lying is not a crime.

Spencer:  It is when you're giving false statements to the police. It's called obstruction of justice.

Hanna:  Oh, please! We lied about drinking. But the truth that matters is we don't know anything about what happened to Ali that night.

Spencer:  We also know about someone who might have wanted to hurt her.

Emily:  We should have told the police the truth about Jenna's accident the night it happened.

Hanna:  I wanted to, remember?

Juliet:  We had a chance to do more than just tell the truth. We had a chance to stop Ali.

Spencer:  But we didn't. And telling the police now about what happened to Jenna Isn't going to make her see again. It'll just ruin our lives.

Cane tapping

Hanna:  Oh, my god, she's back in school too?

Aria stands up and walks to Jenna

Aria:  Jenna? Hey, it's-- it's Aria. Do you... Want to come sit with us?

Jenna: Sure.

Aria: Okay.

Jenna: Thank you.

Aria: So you're gonna be between Hanna and Emily, And Spencer's right across from you.

Jenna: Thank you.

Aria:  Yeah. And here's a chair.

Jenna:  So... This would be Alison's  chair, right?

Jenna sits down

Emily:  No. We're not even sitting at that table.

Jenna:  You know, she came to visit me in the hospital after the accident.

Juliet:  Alison did?

Jenna:  Mm-hm. Everyone misunderstood Alison, but I knew exactly who she was.

Spencer:  When did you get back, Jenna? We heard that you were in Philadelphia, a school for the...Visually impaired.

Jenna: You can say "blind," Spencer. It's okay. It's not a dirty word.

Big silence

Wow. It's so quiet. You guys used to be the fun table. What happened to you girls?


[Flashback in Alison's bedroom, clothes everywhere]

All giggle

Ali: I see you!  Oh, my god, I can't believe it!

Emily:  Who was it, Ali?

Juliet: What did you see?

Ali:  He was in that tree, spying on us! I am so creeped out!

Spencer: Who was it?

Ali:  It was that perv, Toby Cavanaugh.

Aria:  Are you sure?

Ali: Yes, I'm sure! He was right there! I bet he saw us all naked.

Aria: Should we tell someone?

Ali: I mean, we could. But I have a better idea.

[Outside, by night]

Fireworks shrieking 

Aria: Are we sure he's not in there?

Ali: He's not, okay? You've got the lighter, right, Spencer?

Emily:  Let's wait a second.

Ali:  What, Emily?

Emily:  I don't want to do this.

Ali: Fine. Go back. You're on your own.

Aria: Okay, maybe Emily's right. We should just call the cops. They'll take care of it.

Ali: Where's the fun in that? Girls, Toby Cavanaugh is a freak, and we need to teach him a lesson. If he thinks he can come and spy on us while we're in your bedroom, Emily, he needs to know that his little domain Is no longer a safe little hideout.
Who knows what he does in there all day, that little freak.

Spencer:  Are you sure that it was Toby?

Ali:  Yes! And it's a stink bomb, for God's sakes! We're not nuking the place. Now, let's do it. Give me the lighter.

Ali throws something in Toby's place so that it explodes

Juliet: Ali, what did you do?!

Ali: Come on, let's get out of here.

All: Let's go
[End of the flashback - Back in the canteen]

All the girls' cellphones chime

Jenna:  Aren't you gonna get that?

They all read the text message
Text read.

If only she could see how guilty you look - A

[In Juliets house]

In Juliet’s room, her mum enters.

Hailey: so why did Rachel think she is captain

Juliet: I don’t know mum maybe she can’t read

Hailey: when did you become like this?

Juliet: like what mum?

Hailey: just a mean girl

Juliet: I’m sorry mum I am just sick of hearing her name & captain in the same sentence.

Hailey: hope that’s it, just don’t loose yourself

Hailey walks away, leaving Juliet who’s looking worried.
Juliet’s phone buzzes
Texts reads

If only she knew  - A

[Flash back]

[At cheer try outs]

Juliet: thanks Alison for being here with me

Alison: what are friends for. Oh my god look at that girl, she's good. Better not disappoint me Juliet.

Juliet: I can do better than her

Alison: Sweetie she can't be captain, I mean look at her

[Flash back ends]

[In the street]
Spencer running and spots Jenna

Jenna: Send text now.


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