Saturday, 7 November 2015

PLL Season 1/03 | StoryTime

Season 1 Episode 3 To Kill a Mocking Girl 

[In the woods, plants rustling]

Hanna: Whose idea was this, again? Spencer: Emily's mom.

Emily: The shed was me. My mom just said we should do something for us.

Hanna: Well, couldn't we do something without mosquitoes?

Aria: They're not mosquitoes, they're gnats.

Hanna: Whatever! They're small and annoying, and they're flying up my nose.

Spenser: Well, they're attracted to your perfume and your hair product and your lip gloss.

Hanna: So, what are you saying, I attract flies? –

Juliet: Gnats.

Emily:- Why do I feel like this is the wrong way?

Spenser: No, this is it. I remember that tree. It's the halfway point. There's 136 steps left to the shed.

Emily: Have you been out here since Alison?

Spencer: Me? No. No way.

Aria: But you remember that tree.

Juliet: You guys, it's not that weird.

Hanna: I mean, we came out here in eighth grade, like, every day even after.

Spencer: I think this is totally the wrong place to do this whatever you call it shrine.

Emily: It's not a shrine. It's just a place to remember Alison. What's wrong with that?

Spenser: Doing it way out here makes it look like we have something to hide.

Emily: You're worried what other people think?

Spenser: Well, aren't you? Do you really want to give that creepy Detective more reasons to question us?

Emily: Hanna, why are you so quiet?

Hanna: I'm trying to keep the bugs in my nose and out of my mouth.

Emily: You're allowed to have an opinion on this.

Hanna: You want my opinion? I say we hold off and not remember her till we know for sure she's not still here.

Spencer, Aria, Juliet & Emily: - What?

Aria: - What are you talking about?

Emily: You think she's still alive?

Spencer: Hanna, they found her body.

Aria: Stop.

Juliet: Yeah, I'm officially scared.

Aria: Can we just not

Hanna: You know, you asked for my opinion. I don't believe she's really gone.

Spencer: We went to her funeral!

Hanna: Yeah, and when we left we all got a text from her.
It wasn't her.

Emily: Someone is messing with us.

Hanna: How do you know? And what about all those nasty messages? I mean, how does this "a" person know stuff only Ali knew?

Aria: Okay, this conversation is giving me a hive.

Hanna: That's a bite. Mosquito.

Emily: Spencer, have you gotten any more messages?

Spencer: Haven't you?


Juliet: What was that?

Emily: Did you hear that?

Aria: Yes, I heard that. I'm standing right next to you.

Hanna: Hello? Is anybody out there? –

Spencer: It's probably a rabbit.

Hanna: - Hello?

Spencer: It's a rabbit, Hanna. It's not gonna answer you.

Emily: Can we just get to the shed?


Hanna: Okay, that is definitely not a rabbit.Someone's out there.

Juliet: Let's turn around.

[Message alerts ring]

Text reads

Heads up, BFF’s. Its open season on liars and I’m hunting – A

[School Corridor]
Juliet in her cheer uniform, Brooke walks past.

Brooke: looking good cap

Juliet smiles & turns around to find Rachel there.

Rachel: I’m not blind, I know what I saw

Juliet: and what exactly is that?

Rachel: I am captain

Juliet: oh my god Rachel get over it!

Juliet walks away.

Ezra: Good morning.
Aria: Hi.

Aria: Russian history? How many AP classes does it take until your brain explodes?

Spencer: I'm already drowning in there.

Aria: Why, what's drowning for you, B+?

Spencer: First paper's due Monday, and I've written two words my name.

Aria: Well, what's going on? Hey, you're not still freaked out about what happened in the woods yesterday? Look, we do not have to do this thing for Ali until

Spencer: No, it's not just that. It's It's everything. Is there any chance your family wants to adopt me?

[At noel’s party]

Aria: He tackled Ben? What was Toby even doing in the girls' locker room?

SpencerWhy are you shocked? Toby's a perv. We caught him peeping through the windows, watching us undress.

Emily: Alison's the one who saw him do that. We never did.

Hanna: What's up?

Juliet: Toby Cavanaugh got into a fight with Ben over Emily.

Emily: It wasn't over me. God. Look, he just saved me.

Spencer: For what, himself?
Hanna: Ew.

Aria: If we hadn't asked you about Ben, would you have told us about this?

Spencer: Toby is not a good guy, Emily. He could be seriously dangerous.

Emily: If he's such a bad guy, why'd he take the fall for us?

Juliet: Is this another secret?

Aria: Do you know something that we don't?

Hanna: Guys, why don't we just, like, chill and talk about this somewhere else? When we're alone.
Aria: I don't even know what "just us" means anymore.

Hanna: Yeah, uh Let's talk about it tomorrow, okay? Are we still meeting up at the shed? Yeah.

Aria: Yeah, sure. Why not?

Emily: Where are you going?

Aria: The gallery. I promised my mom.

Maya: Have you checked out the photo booth they've got in there?

Emily: No. Show me the booth.

[Brooke & Payton approach Juliet]

Payton: Juliet you up for some body shots with the guys?

Juliet: Bring it on

Juliet leaves with the Brooke & Payton

[In the woods]

Spencer: So she could have it out with Toby. Ali had something on him.

Hanna: Besides being a total perv who peeped in our windows? Yeah, something way bigger, and she was threatening to tell everybody. That's why he took the fall for us.

Aria: Why are you waiting until now to tell us? I don't know.

Spencer: Ali made me promise, and I guess I was scared. I thought if we never talked about that night again, it would just go away.

Hanna: Well, it's not going away.

Juliet: Not unless we toss our phones and join the Navy.

Emily: Look, there's four of us and one freak sending messages.
If we just talk to each other like this, I feel like it makes it easier to deal with everything.

Aria: I think Emily's right. There's way too many secrets. We shouldn't do this in the middle of nowhere. We should do it where we can see it every day.

Hannah: You mean, like, somewhere in school? No. In town. We should ask if we can put a bench somewhere.

Aria: Wait, and you know what? Whoever did this to her, if they're still in rosewood, we should make them look at it every day, too.

Spencer: What, you hate the idea? No.

Hanna: No, I just I had a rough night.

[Rustling, stick cracks]

Hanna: Look.

Spencer: Is that yours?

Juliet: Alison's.


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