Saturday, 7 November 2015

PLL Season 1/04 | StoryTime

Season 1 Episode 4 Can You Hear Me Now?


Emily: How bad did your mom bust you over wrecking Sean's car?

Hanna: Okay, I did not wreck it, I damaged it. And, actually, everyone's being really mature about it.

Juliet: - Oh.

Hanna: - There's no "oh." We're just being grown-ups, that's all.

Aria: Okay, so the town is gonna put in a new bench, and we'll plant the flowerbeds, and there's gonna be a pathway of art tiles.

Emily: Art tiles? Messages, pictures, memories of Alison.

Hanna: Oh, like little headstones.

Emily: - Hanna! - What? We should each do a tile.

Hanna: I've had Alison's bracelet since the day we found it in the woods, and I don't want the responsibility anymore.

Juliet: I don't want it.

Hanna: Seriously, somebody take this.

Spencer: Look at us. Bunch of babies. There's nothing that "A" can say or do to get us into trouble without making trouble for herself.

Hanna: Are you sure it's a "her"?

Spencer: Him, her doesn't make any difference.

Juliet: What are you doing?

Spencer: I'm gonna block all messages from people that I don't know IMs, texts, e-mails, everything. Screw "A" There. Who's next? I spy with my little eye something that begins with "F.

Hanna: Hey, Mr.Fitz.

Juliet: Looking good, Mr.Fitz.

Aria: My turn.

Spencer: There are teachers that you don't want to see on a bike, and there are teachers that you do want to see on a bike.
Hanna: I would not want to see Mr. Gilardi on a bike.

Emily: I don't want to think of Mr.Gilardi in motion of any kind.

Juliet: Ah. Mr. Fitz.

Aria: Juliet. Your turn.

Spencer: You talk to Ben?

Emily: Nothing to talk about.

Aria: So you're really done? It's okay.

Emily: I'm fine.

Aria: Okay, if you say so.

Hanna: I wish we had a drum roll for this. All right, here it goes. We are officially "A"-proofed.

Spencer: Listen. All those little messages zipping through the air all around us.

Aria: Yep

Juliet: and none of them from "A.

Emily: This feels like a good thing.

Hanna: Of course it's a good thing. Out of mind, out of sight.

[In school]

Hanna: Spence, why didn't your folks take you to New York with your sister? I mean, you deserve some retail therapy too.

Spencer: Not as much as Melissa. Ooh, hot scarf, Em.

Emily: Thanks.

Juliet: Is it new?

Emily: No.

Aria: Go ahead, answer it. We know who it can't be from.

Spencer: Hanna.

Hanna: It's my dad! Hey, dad.

Emily: has she even, like, talked to her dad since he walked out on them?

Spencer: I don't know. And then, her father, it's one of those "don't ask, don't tell" situations.

Aria: We shouldn't stare at her.

Juliet: yeah Come on.

Aria: My brother's post just showed up on my loop.

Spencer: You added him as a favorite?

Aria: Yeah. Moment of weakness.

Toby: Sorry.

Emily: My fault.

Aria: I wonder if we just bumped into "A.

Spencer: It doesn't matter. We're done with "A," right?

Juliet: Right.

Aria: Yeah. But I'm still staying out of Toby's way.

Spencer: Yeah, and Jenna's.

Emily: I guess that's the safest thing to do.

[school corridor]

Hanna: He has to be in New England for a couple of weeks, but he's making a special trip out to see me.

Aria: That's that's great, Hanna.

Hanna: What?

Emily: It's just do you think he's out here because of the thing with Sean's car?

Hanna: No, he's not. Look, I asked. Absolutely not. And besides, even if he was, at least he's still coming out to see me.

Teacher: Spencer!

Spencer: Mr.Sheldrake.

Teacher: I was gonna tell you in class, but here you are. Remarkable job on the Russian history essay.

Spencer: Oh, thanks.

Teacher: Very lucid presentation.

Spencer: It's not really a new idea.

Teacher: I've submitted it for the Golden Orchid.

Spencer: You what?! –

Teacher: There's an honorarium. But you know the real upside to winning an essay competition like that is how it looks on your applications.

Spencer: Wait, can we ? –

Teacher: We'll discuss the details after class.

Hanna: What's a golden orchid?

Emily: It's a national competition for historical writing.

Juliet: More academic bling for Spencer.

Aria: Okay, see you later.

[At the school parking lot]

Juliet sees Rachel’s mum telling her off about her not being captain. Juliet’s mum comes over

Hailey: Hi baby, you ready to go home?

Juliet: look

Hailey: Listen its their business

Rachel’s mum walks up to Hailey & Juliet

Hailey: here we go

Rachel’s mum: my daughter deserves the spot, your daughter just got the part cause she’s got boobs & dresses like a wannabe PCD member

Juliet: wow

Hailey: HI HI! Watch what you’re saying, my daughter got the spot cause she is a great leader & she deserves it. Its no wonder your daughter didn’t get it, I mean look at how YOU are taking it. Come on lets go Juliet.

[Juliet’s house]
Rachel Knocks on the door

Juliet: wow look what the cat dragged in

Rachel: listen I’m sorry about what my mum said

Juliet: that’s the first time you apologized to me

Rachel: yeah, we were good friends once right?

Juliet: yeah until you went psycho on me

Rachel: yeah

[both giggle]

Juliet: you wanna come in and get a routine going?

Rachel: for cheer?

Juliet: no for our pole dancing class, of course for cheer

[both giggle]

Rachel: I’d like that

Juliet: come in

*Skipped Scene*

[Juliet’s house]

Juliet goes & gets a pen from her room, Rachel gets a text its the old cheer sheet that says she’s the captain.

Juliet: hi so lets right it down before we forget

Rachel: oh my god I knew it!

Juliet: What?

Rachel: I’m the captain wow you really are a bitch

Rachel shows Juliet the text

Juliet: rach –

Rachel: tomorrow I’ll make sure all the girls know, looks like you’ll be queen B after all, just not the beauty kind.

Rachel leave the house, while Juliet is still stunned

[Spencer’s room]

Hanna: Alison's bracelet! Is that jungle red?

Juliet: Alison's color.


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