Monday 9 November 2015

PLL Season 2/09 | StoryTime

Season 2 Episode 9 Picture This


Hanna: Ugh! Smells like death out here. Emily in there and tell Spencer & Juliet to hurry up.

Emily: I don't want to see dead bodies.

Hanna: Oh, come on, Em, you love zombie movies.

Emily: I like watching them. I don't want to be in one. They're coming over here.

Hanna: What do we do?

Emily: Pretend like you're supposed to be here.

Hanna: So I was telling the patient in 212, "I am not shaving that!"

Hanna: Juliet, Spencer! Time to go! Now!

Emily: Did you find the missing page?

Juliet: No.

Spencer: I looked in the cabinet where we found Ali's folder. I even tried the coroner's computer, but it's password-protected.

Juliet: How can one page just disappear?

Emily: My guess is someone got in here before us.

Juliet: Somebody like Jason? Do you think there was something in there that might have nailed him, something the cops overlooked?

Hanna: The only evidence we have against him is that he's a creep.

Spencer: That's not true. We know that it was a hockey stick that probably knocked Ali out, and Jason had my stick.

Jenna: The first thing I'm gonna do when they take the bandages off is go to Cape May. I can't wait to see the ocean again.

[School hallway]

Hanna: hi Juliet

Juliet: hi han

Hanna: so why are you so quite all of a sudden, you’re always all high and mighty

Juliet: well I’m still the same it’s just the cheer ball

Hanna:  oh yeah cant wait, you’ll be great

Juliet: thanks han

Hanna: you would tell us if anything is wrong right?

Juliet: yeah 

Hanna: cause I’d hate it if you’re listening to our problems & we ain’t even helping you out with yours. So please don’t hide away

Juliet: I wont, love you hanna

Hanna: love you too

[School canteen]

Spencer: She's getting tested to see if she qualifies for a prosthetic cornea transplant.

Aria: English, please.

Spencer: They're gonna see if they can replace the damaged part of her eyes.

Hanna: What are we talking about?

Juliet: Jenna.

Hanna: They're taking out her eyeballs?

Spencer: No, it's not the whole eyeball. It's just the flap over the pupil.

Emily: Could we not talk about eye flaps while we're eating, please?

Juliet: They really think that this can work?

Spencer: I don't know. Toby says she still needs to take more tests to see if she qualifies, but it's possible.

Hanna: So, if Jenna gets her sight back, does that mean that we're off the hook for

Spencer: No. I mean, guilt-wise, maybe, but if you break somebody's leg with a baseball bat, even if that leg heals, you could still be charged with assault.

Emily: She wouldn't come after us - If she still thinks we have Ali's tape.

Spencer: - But we don't. And that'll be much easier for her to figure out if she can see.

Aria: Guys, maybe if she can see again, we can stop all this whispering. She'll lose her taste for revenge.

Juliet: Yeah, or things could get worse.

Emily: It's already so bad. How can it get worse?

Spencer: Well, for one, she will be able to aim a gun.

Hanna: Look, Spencer's right. Jenna's scary enough with four senses. Can you imagine what she's gonna do to us with all five?


Nathan: Hi class, oh Juliet nice to see you joined us finally

Juliet: excuse me.

Nathan: you didn’t came and see me after school yesterday?

Juliet: yeah I was busy with the cheer ball prep

Nathan: well clear all your plans after school, cause you got detention

Juliet: what

[After school]

Juliet walks in classroom

Nathan: hi

Juliet: stop! Stop whatever your intentions are with me, I cant be dealing with a stalker till I graduate

Nathan: oh Juliet, we were meant to be you’ll see why

Nathan leans over to kiss Juliet

Juliet: no stop! This ends now!

Nathan: or what?

Juliet: my friends know about you & me

Nathan: what, you’re lying

Juliet: I’m not, they’ll tell the principle. So before that you better walk away & save your career, you pushed me enough

Nathan: you wont do this to me

Juliet: wont I?

Juliet walks away leaving worried Nathan alone.

[Spencer’s house]

Emily: Okay, what's going on? Do we need to introduce you to decaf?

Juliet: hi guys sorry I’m late

Emily: hi

Spencer: Just come with me.

Juliet: What! Where? I just got here.

Spencer: To find out what Jason is hiding.


Emily: Look, I don't trust Jason either, but I'm not so sure breaking into his shed is a good idea.

Spencer: It's not breaking in if you have a key.

Juliet: What, are you Jane Bond now?

Spencer: Jason blacked out the windows on his shed. Aren't you the least bit curious why? We'll be in and out in five minutes. Just trust me. What the hell was that? Keep moving.

Emily: What is this place?

Juliet: Ugh! Something just hit me.

Spencer: It's Jason's darkroom.

Emily: Whose face is this? Oh, my God, it's Aria.

Spencer: They're all Aria!

Emily: Is that why Jason's being so nice to Mike-- so he can get close to her?

Juliet: Can we just get out of here?

Emily: yeah My goosebumps are getting goosebumps. Jason's camera equipment.

Spencer: This isn't for developing photographs; This is surveillance equipment! –

Emily: For his house? –

Spencer: For spying on people.

Juliet: This is making me sick

Emily: What are you saying? You think he's been watching us this whole time? You think he's--?

Spencer: He's home! Just forget it! Come!

Spencer: Okay, his car's not in the driveway. I think he's gone.

Emily: I don't think we should go back in there.

Juliet: we need to Emily

Spencer: How else are we gonna convince Aria?

Emily: Okay, let's just get the pictures and get out.

Spencer: It's gone.

Emily: Look. It's open.

Juliet: Oh, my God.


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